Two in-game "DPS meter alternative" ideas I might suggest implementing

I’m just being pedantic, if anything, the reality is if you’re dying you’re not pulling good DPS either.

People are not pugging mythic end bosses.

I mean this is true.

They do, just not early on.

Thus this comment.

I wouldn’t call people pugging non awakened endbosses during season 4 pugging end bosses.

Go pug Mythic Fyrrak next week. Let us know how it goes.

You’re on A52 you know damn well people pug current Mythic if you ever bother to open the group finder.

It isn’t a large portion of players, even when cross-realm is allowed late in a cycle, but people absolutely do pug Mythic. Piecemeal, but they pug it.

The problem with just having DPS meters is that, while helpful, if there’s nothing to compare the damage to, it’s not going to help as much as you think.

What Blizzard should develop (or Raidbots already exists) is a way to sim how much damage you theoretically could do with the gear/talents/stats that you have and then compare that number to your active DPS meter.

From there, someone could get a better idea on how to improve disparities (if there is one).

People pugging up to Nyume is not the same as pugging Fyrak/Tindral/Raz which were the three bosses I listed with dps checks.

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Unsolicited advice is viewed as being just as toxic as saying their performance is bad.

Main thing is, it is impossible to get someone to improve if they do not personally want to improve and a lot of people don’t have the same drive to improve.

Is Smolderon a hps check? I took a break from the game during most of my guilds Smolderon and Tindral prog

I can’t speak for Fyrakk or Tindral because I wasn’t active, but people were pugging Raz.

This isn’t unusual, it’s just, again, a small portion of players.

Nor do I really see why the hair splitting is needed, what I said is congruent across all content; if you’re in a limited spot in a group and you die twice, you’re probably getting the boot faster than anyone just blue parsing.

I have never seen a mythic Raz pug in non awakened


I don’t have thin skin by any means. I just don’t care to move my fingers at the speed of light to do 5% more DPS. I’m a very competitive person so I actually spent my time honing my body in real life and playing actual sports to satisfy that competitive itch. I come to games to relax

I don’t think there’s a way I can prove to you that it was happening.

The easiest time to see these groups is when cross-realm opens up, but on A52 and Illidan (probably Tich, too) you can see them earlier.

I could post threads in which people give anecdotal evidence, but that doesn’t get us very far.


I’d focus on this, instead.

Pugged groups don’t often leave much room for progression. There’s not a lot of time given to iterate on how people are doing mechanics, they want people who already know what to do and can do it with some level of consistency. If you manage to slip in and dying is a problem, you’re not staying in that group for long.

Again, it’s a bit pedantic of me to disagree with this;

simply because people who are dying also aren’t meeting DPS checks, and people who are dying usually don’t get accepted to these groups in the first place. But knowing the mechanics and not dying to them absolutely is more important than how much damage you’re doing arbitrarily. It’s assumed that if your ilvl is correct and you know these fights, you do enough damage for the fight.

That said, I still can’t agree with “yes, damage is more important than being able to do the content, demonstrably” regardless of how nebulous an idea that is.

Then why are you bothered by people showing math?

I’m actually surprised as someone who’s played on and off since wow released that two things aren’t baked into wow by now — a dps meter and dbm like features.

After 20 years I think any arguments against them is going to be weak. Neither can be denied that they are and have been integral to raids for many years.

Just have toggles to turn them off. As to grief players cause others that’s always been a player issue not a game issue and you’ll never solve that with addons or features.

Play with people you know or at least if they are in game friends only spend time with them run instances joke around quest together interact get familiar with each others personalities and god forbid talk to each other.

Then the jerk factor should be much lower if you have low dps sometimes or screw up a boss fight.

Everyone blames the game all the time for issues that are people problems not program problems.

There’s no need for something like this, just turn your monitor on.

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Then stay in easier content.

If you’re not performing people have every right to call you out.

Sure thing bud. That has absolutely zero to do with this game and sounds like some coping