Two in-game "DPS meter alternative" ideas I might suggest implementing

I totally agree with you on method being more important than intent. how you communicate to others matters. I don’t think anyone should be linking meters to mock or denigrate anyone, for example.

but just because people do, doesn’t inherently mean the tool itself is bad. it just means those people are tools.

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That’s a very elegant solution. I don’t think it would perfectly translate to WoW’s number of bosses/difficulties/dungeons, but even a ballpark guesstimate would be a useful tool.

The main issue is going to be how few players utilize it. Unless that training dummy is a prereq to even enter the raid/dungeon, the ones who need it most won’t be hitting it.

Imagine proving grounds all over again.

I think the game should probably just implement a personal Damage / Combat Meter.
They only get potentially toxic when people start comparing themselves to other people.

But knowing your own performance and whether or not a change you’ve made is helping or hurting is hugely important. And that DOES matter a on a fight-to-fight basis, so I’d much prefer to see this than something like FFXIV’s weird Training Dummy thing as you suggested. That’s basically worthless because people do not perform the same in a live combat scenario as they do in a static training dummy scenario. Like half the reason some people are bad is because they can’t focus on both mechanics / survival and their DPS Rotation at the same time.

That said, addons for this will always exist and as long as Blizzard is making a game where there are throughput checks (and this will always be the case unless they abandon all content that can’t be queued for one day), they are necessary. I get not making it baseline due to toxicity concerns, but not knowing where the performance issues are in a group setting where you can’t continue because you’re hitting enrage timers or whatever is a problem.

I’d respectfully disagree. That’s a more advanced tactic which is obviously good, but I think it crosses the threshold of “introducing problem points”. Because if the in-game system displays everyone’s DPS, you’re basically inviting people to bring it up in bad faith. And that, in turn, will only drive casuals further away from group content.

I think just having a broad idea, where you can say “oh wow, I thought I was doing okay, but I’m only doing like half the damage of the next best person!”, and from THAT, they can decide if they care to work on that. And if they don’t, that’s totally cool, but at least they would have some IDEA that they’re underperforming.

Like I said, not wanting this to be a mechanic used to judge players. Rather, just giving players context how they’re doing, without having to go out of your way to find and download addons, set them up, and then find out your damage (probably) sucks.

I don’t see this happening in any form. Blizzard currently only tolerates the idea of stuff like DPS meters and parses, they aren’t going to actively support and maintain it.

No. I want to know how I am doing during an encounter. Doing it on a training dummy is doing it in a vacuum. It gives a benchmark but you need the live encounter in which to compare yourself against. I like to see myself on the meters, without “always show me” active. I also like to know if I am doing better or worse than someone else playing the same class and spec.

You’re entitled too but you’re wrong.

Get thicker skin or play with friends to carry you.

People will be judged whether a meter is there or not.

I don’t agree with anything you have suggested on a base level.

My reasoning, there is nothing wrong with the current implementation of dps tracking addons. One of your suggestions is just to replicate what I can already do with a raid countdown timer with a simple command and an addon. It literally already in the game why do we need to “de” addonify it? You aren’t giving any arguments as to why the addon is a problem before you suggest a fix.

My advice is start with the problem, address it and work from there before providing niche solutions you think need to be in the game.

I never implied that addons were a problem at all. Just acknowledging that they aren’t in the game by default.

As such, a player must – almost by design – seek out third-party sources to even get an inkling if they’re playing correctly. The game itself doesn’t really even acknoweldge your performance.

I think the end goal is likely always going to be players using addons, but again, those are things that don’t exist in the game natively, so not every player is going to be exposed to them. My suggestions are more of a “baby-steps” approach, just introducing the concept of self-evaluation, while providing a benchmark to do so.

But it still shows actual numbers including your actual parse ranking. Thats what needs to be done away with.

I only care about dps when a key isn’t timed or a raid boss gets wiped on due to lack of performance.

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No it doesn’t. If you have thin skin that’s on you.

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Why would you want dev time going to meters we don’t need to change?

We don’t HAVE meters in the game by default; that’s the problem.

Giving players a means to self-evaluate their damage is something that should be possible in-game, without third-party solutions (addons) being absolutely required.

It lowers the barrier to entry, so to speak, as a little baby-step solution to allow players to see how much damage they’re doing. Even the most casual player would probably feel motivated to improve their damage if they actually SEE their damage if it’s lacking (or conversely, maybe you’re doing just fine).

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They won’t, and many will flame you if you point it out and even try to offer advice.

No. If you’re dying it doesn’t matter how good your DPS is. You need someone who can do both (stay alive and do good damage) in higher end content.

If you’re trying to parse at the cost of healer attention, you’re kicked from 99% of high end pugs. You can be top damage and this is still gonna happen.

The content that Snausages is talking about, you don’t pug.

And it absolutely has DPS checks.

People absolutely do pug it, it’s just a nightmare. Unless you’re talking timeframes, which really doesn’t have anything to do with what I said, but go off I guess.

I think you misunderstood my points.

If people are picking their top dps in pugs lol