Two in-game "DPS meter alternative" ideas I might suggest implementing

This is you telling disabled gamers they don’t deserve to play WoW.

Do better.

Your dps has to be absolutely terrible to get comments in low/mid content. If its that bad that people are regularly noticing or commenting, you should probably work on improving it instead of asking to hide it.

(Edit, I say this purely from a M+ pug perspective. I have no idea how raid pugs act about it)

“Muh parse” is a meme where most people laugh but those that intentionally put their parse over their role in the raid get benched because I suppose non-toxic raid teams generally wouldn’t want to keep someone that hinders group progress.

Every tool can be harmful when used improperly but banning the tool because of those that don’t know how to use it is like banning hot coffee because people kept hurting themselves.

World of Warcraft already has great accessibility options. If your argument is that Blizzard could do more, I’d agree. However, it makes zero sense to make the gaming experience worse for most of the player base so that the 5% of the community who poop sock can have oddly specific metric trackers that enable their worst behavior, along with the 1% of the community who has a legitimate use case for being able to access the API.

You are not nearly as subtle as you think you are, disabled people are not an excuse for you being an awful person.

And they aren’t enough. This is why mods are important.

If you can’t understand that, that’s on you. Advocating for the banning of mods is blatantly an ableist thing to do.

I am one of those disabled people you do not want to be able to play this game.

To be honest, I quit caring about my dps years ago. But then again, I don’t do anything but random group stuff now.

Mods also enable ableism, though, through elitism. It’s not a binary, but a more complicated nuance.

I get the theory of your post. But, the game is still designed around the .5% for mythic raids and mythic +++++++++++++++++++++++, MDI, and whatever else. No matter what meter you use, in game or otherwise, you will still be subject to accountability.

I think all addons need to be off the table and the fights should be designed around the common player. Not fighting raid bosses on 4 different difficulties, or doing normal, heroic, mythic, m++, +++, +_++++++++++++++, etc…

I would like the RPG to come back to the game. Go one place, get fire resist equip, so you can go do the next place to get an item to get to the next. A progression of story.

But, after seeing the bosses in Season of Discovery actually get the difficulty level as well. The days of this being an rpg is gone. Welcome to action arcade craft. There is no war left in it, but we got the arcade.

Yeah…… no.

Your takes are terrible

I wish I could get rid of my dps meter but then I panic that I don’t know how I’m doing! It drives me crazy like I just need to know

And then I look and am like … meh. :expressionless:

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I’ve always been a fan of doing away with specific dps meters and instead replacing with a performance review

What I mean is you can get a green, yellow, or red rating after a pull/kill. Behind the scenes it will show you rather you are exceeding (green), meeting (yellow), falling below (red) the developers intended damage numbers (what the boss was tuned for).

This takes away the pressure for specific number benchmarks while still letting players know they are performing well or need improvement

FFXIV has a training grounds-like feature each tier that simulates how much DPS you need to do to successfully kill a boss on each difficulty. It’s basically a target dummy and you have a set amount of time to destroy it. If you succeed, great, you should have enough damage to clear bosses on that difficulty. If not, then you don’t.

I’m still going to have my meter and logs.

Zero reason to implement your idea.

That’s what logs are for.

Gold equals rank 1
Pink means you’re at the 99th percentile
Purple means 75-98th percentile
Blue means 50-74th percentile
Green is 25-49th percentile
Grey is 0-24th percentile

who says they dont want them? one of the first dps meters was created my a guild one of the original devs were in…you know that thing about assuming?

Well, I can still see the same grain of truth in what I was saying before.

You have progression-focused players looking to advance but not seeing it with the team. Due to the nature of the game, they do tend to be better performers, as they’re incentivized to do so in order to advance. These players tend to have a more “mercenary” outlook, viewing the guild/team as a means to an end - their own progress.

But I’m leaning more towards the idea that your top performing players aren’t necessarily the progression-minded ones.

To try a different tactic, have ever considered simply asking your underperforming players if they actually WANT to try and progress further than they currently are?

Because if I got bombarded with those requirements, I’d leave on the spot… though admittedly that’s because I came the conclusion it simply wasn’t worth my time to put up with a LONG time ago. Some may still feel a sense of attachment to the group and may try to “tough it out”, but there is a point that everyone has to stop and ask the hard questions over what they actually want to do in the game.

It doesn’t help that the game is effectively conditioning players to get sucked into the endgame power progression route, something I’m WAY past recognizing and falling for, but the core of it is asking yourself what you want to do in the game.

And you’d be surprised how little a player’s “capability” factors into what choice of content they do.

As a player who i know can use improvement i have good and bad thoughts about Damage meters.

  1. most folks say stuff like
    Its to help you… its so you can mesasure youryou can track your

I believe it can be a decent tool if used properly, to help yourself or others get better.

but IMO and experience, the reason a lot of players dislike the meters is because players use them to publicly belittle others, not to help anyone improve.

“Hey everyone! Look at this damage meter i posted! See how low the pally is! what a scrub! Letʻs all point and laugh at him! haha! You suck pally!
What??! im trying to help the loser improve…”

Perhaps if the meters were personal and not able to be posted publicly… ? IDK

ya’ll just need to get over the “it needs to be built into the game”

tha’ts not this game. we have an addon system. if you don’t like it, move on.

the first parsers werent even in game… they were 3rd party software that parsed the logs which were posted to guild websites…and while i agree some people dont have the right tact calling people out DOES lead to improvements. in game and in real life…

Think you found the catch 22 hear. Like you, they’d just stop showing up with requirements.

Some of this was probably from the game forcing casuals out of heroic raiding. Once the ante was raised the half of the guild that couldn’t / wouldn’t put in the additional effort held the rest back.

Method can be even more important than intent.

Pulling someone aside and talking about the numbers you see on a Damage meter would probably be a better tact than belittling them in public.
So yeah i do see the value in a damage meter but IMO the way its used is what makes it unpalatable