We need more than ever in retail, the option to specialize into Two-Handed Enhancement Shaman. In both PVE and PVP but this option has always been a major characteristic of the enhancement shaman. Being able to switch between dual wielding and two handing is a major difference in how you can play the spec considering dual wield has always been more sustained damage and enhancement has always been the burst variation. Please can we bring back a burstier enhance with two handed talent?
Ask Frost DK players how it’s been since they added 2 handers back in SL. Or how they feel when they get a 2 hander in their vault when Dual Wield is miles ahead in every single aspect of the game. Or check how often Warriors use Single Minded Fury.
Or go look in the talent tree for Enhance and figure out where they can shove 3-4 talent nodes to make Two hand viable without clogging up the tree and preventing build variety which was the entire flaw of Enhance’s DF talent trees that pretty much made all Non-Elementalist builds DoA most of the time. Or go look at every phase of SoD and see how often 2 hand was remotely even close to Dual Wield.
But they should just let us transmog 2 Handers over Dual Wield weapons/One Hander + Sheild/Off Hand combos 1000000%, no reason to no have that cosmetic option.
So I saw it for a minute then it was removed they had made stormstrike useable with 2h weapon it was in the patch notes then it was removed.
Dual wield would still be miles ahead. Having two different weapon imbuements is way stronger in 11.1. Flametongue Weapon gives around 7% of DPS overall as Totemic in M+ and the whole tree is designed for dual wield. You would need to redesign the tree and we don’t want that. Also, we don’t want 2H weapons in our vault
F the vault. Stupid system.
So I have said this many times and I will say this again. Some people want 2h and I have always said if they bring it back it can not be like how they did frost. And I have said I would be interested in how they would bring it back and it would preform in the modern game.
All of this being said I do not think this will happen as long as the game director is still there. They will tease it as they did with this last patch where they had SS being used by mh only so effectively making it where 2h looks like it is coming back but then they remove it. Just like they had the values for 2h for SS in one patch but then removed it.
They are just flaunting it in front of us trying to I guess give hope to those that want 2h and only to get disheartened when the 2h parts of patches are deleted as if they were never there. Personally I love dw for Enhancement. I lived the 2h enhancement and I will say unless they can find a way to bring it back and to have it do with in 2-4% damage of dw then it should not come back.
I would gladly take a 2h weapon until I get 2 1h weapons that are good. My issue is getting good weapons I can’t get the good weapons to drop for me for what I do. So getting a 2h until I get two good 1h I would take that. But I do not foresee 2h ever coming back as long as the current game director is still there.
A lot of us want a tank spec not converting enhancement to tanking just a 4th spec for tanking and that will not happen either unless the direction of classes shifts drastically
They would bring it back, and it would suck as long as Enhance has proc-based & resource-based gameplay via auto attacks. SoD (a vastly simple game) taught us that higher Maelstrom Auto-Attack generation via Duel Wield weapons BTFO’d whatever big number 2-handers would give to abilities. They would have to create talents fundamentally akin to MotW or something like Obliteration for Enhance to rectify this; otherwise, it’s just flat-out DOA like Single-Minded Fury is for Warriors. If they do make talents that are required for 2 builds to succeed, it quite literally contradicts this statement:
Or it’s spaghetti code nonsense during builds and when patches/hotfixes are integrated on live and/or PTR. The Devs care more about Ele Shaman than they do 2-Hand Enhance Stans.
Nah. I’m pretty sure it was good for one patch 20 years ago and people hung onto that fantasy because of how good windfury was back then.
This simply isn’t true. Nobody plays like this.
The only reason 2h enhance worked was because if how windfury worked back in the day. It used to deal full melee hit damage on each swing. So a slow 2h would deal more damage than a fast 1h. But now a day’s windfury does static physical damage based on your agility. Your weapon speed and type don’t matter anymore.
Not only that, but our maelstrom generation is based off of melee hits. Both white damage and spell damage with weapon strikes. If you increase the time between attacks you simply generate less maelstrom. You generate maelstrom from auto attacks from both weapons. If you remove one weapon and then slow the speed of that weapon down, you’re going to gain significantly less maelstrom weapon, which will lead to less spenders and drastically less damage.
And with how windfury works now a days you’re not getting the benefit from that spell. On top of that you lose the off-hand flametongue buff which means the Elemental Weapons talent is half as effective, reducing your damage even further.
2h enhance hasn’t been a thing for 20 years. It doesn’t work with modern shaman gameplay, and I really don’t want them to completely rework the entire class and talent tree to make it work.
2h already breaks frost DK’s, we don’t need that stress over here too.
It is in the patch notes like what I had seen said changed SS to be main hand attack. I just think they are messing with us.
And as I have said I would be interested in seeing how blizzard may bring it back. But for Enhancement I prefer dw over 2h…TBH I just don’t want them messing up enhancement more than they have. Lets be honest if 2h was brought back it would be a mess and would mess the spec up so much.
How people gonna keep using this as an excuse when everyone knows Blizzard is gonna mess the spec up eventually anyway? Throwing a wrench into a functioning machine is how they do business. 2h advocates just want to pick their particular wrench one of these times around.
These 2h shaman advocates just need to let go. Dual Wield has been how enhance has played since tbc.
Also, what exactly is the allure of 2h vs dual wield in modern wow? You’re never going to get back the interaction where you 1 shot people with a lucky windfury proc which was the only notable benefit of 2h shaman.
Enh had this in SL with the DRE legendary. Different abilities, same result.
I advocate for 2h because I don’t think weapon restrictions make sense for anything outside of ranged weapons.
I don’t think 2h Enh will ever happen, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to see it. If Blizzard were to implement some sort of 2H specialization as a PvP talent, how exactly does that impact anyone here negatively?
Except it would impact spec design and balance. Ask FDKs and Fury Warriors what their experience with supporting 1h and 2h is like.
This happens anyway, why is it only wrong in this specific way?
And again, a PvP talent would not impact anyone except those that actually want it.
No, it doesnt happen anyway.
? Literally every patch comes with changes that “impact spec design and balance,” especially new expansion patches. Shaman just got major changes one patch ago.
Look, it’s already been said and I have no intention to rehash the same arguments. Just scroll up and pretend that I’m saying everything that everyone else has said.
Since when? Before 2007? Enhancement shamans been dual wielding vastly longer than they were 2handers in the wow games. So 3 years of 2 handed enhancement compared to 18 years of duel wielding. No, the major characteristics of enhancement is duel wielding
I will say for me its the drops of the weapons themselves. I have bad luck with weapon drops. So getting a 2h unil i get 2h would be nice imo.
And its not about 1 shotting some people just want to use a 2h like Thrall does now
No it hasnt.