Two days until Mechagnomes

Who said I’d delete them I would simply race change my mains.

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It’s the people who play Alliance who post in this forum…they’re not a reflection of the real opinions of the rest of the playerbase, but they like to think they are.

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I hope so.

Just add them somewhere.


I personally think this batch of ARs should have included 4 new races. Vulpera and the Gilbogoblin for Horde/ Junkgnomes and Helves for Alliance. 4 easy copy+paste races, and everyone would have been happier, I bet.

they say everyone hates velves and it was total crap they weren’t given helves. however, the rest of the alliance is happily playing their velves and not coming to the forums to complain.


No different from that of the Horde players, my lovely larkspur.

If we were to judge the Vulpera merely based on the forums it would seem like a sure thing for the Horde, though I can assure you that such is not a universal opinion outside of the forums.

Bias is as bias does.


Yeah that “slap in the face” turned in to the 4th or 5th most played race in the whole game.
Not allied race but race as a whole.

Alliance just likes to cry a lot :stuck_out_tongue:


Whatever you say, Lucy… :heart_eyes_cat:

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velves have better facial hair and hair styles in general. compared to belves. the only thing they don’t have is peach skin. :expressionless:

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I love how the horde players turned this thread into a high elf thread. Interesting…


my highest geared toon is a dwarf. i post on this toon for rp reasons. does it really matter though as most people play both factions?

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The alliance really wanted the elf equivalent to belf, velve is not ideal, but close enough to what they wanted, which was helves.

It wasn’t just you, friend.

It is not my fault that Blizzard decided to create the superior Elfen race and have it be blessed bountifully upon the Alliance. Do not hate me because I am beautiful, I am just animated that way.



Void Elves are better than High Elves. :woman_shrugging:

I’m not hating.
I main a Void Elf.
Well I do until Vulpera come out at least.
The Alliance just had too many toxic members for my taste.

If only Void Elves would get more lore… it’s been like 2 years? :sob:


Well the first order of business really should be an emote that allows us to flip our tentacles. That alone would go a long way towards improving our perfection further.


I think void elves add more flavor than just the wood elf arc type that Helfs do but yea its good that they are used more often.

Ptr, Mechagnomes Racials nerfed to nothing… so they’d say are “balanced” should make an account and try it out, really nothing special.

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