Two days until Mechagnomes

The fact is that people asked for a mechagnome race…and it was noticed.
It doesn’t matter if they’re the least played race…Gnomes are the least played race, it shouldn’t’ be a surprise.
I think a portion of the louder complainers are helfers who are kind of salty. :joy_cat:


Now this is a Sunday thread. :popcorn:

You’ve got people who hate Mechagnomes and people pretending to like them.


Maghar do have a lot of skins but I think the fire on the DI is much cooler.

they’re literally just green orcs. they don’t have the mechagnomes customization at all. i only have one because i can’t be a green orc priest. there’s literally no reason to even roll one if you don’t want to be a priest. their racials are some of the worst in the game, unlike DIDs. or even look at nightborne racials vs velf racials.

https ://

Even the FFXIV community thought it was a joke. Stop dragging High Elf players into every discussion that has nothing to do with them?


You must not know that Kultirans had more love and care, time and energy put into them than all the other allied races combined.
Last I looked that is an Alliance race.
Really time to get over the ‘horde bias’ train.

Everytime i see a female gnome it just reminded me of the pedo Elvinelol.

they want skinny pale blonde elves. something as cool as a kul tiran is lost on them. honestly if blizz had given horde kt and mechagnomes it would’ve been better let them have high elves, and higher elves. whatever.


Ah yes, the overweight humans, just what the Alliance wanted am I right. :joy:

Like you, I’m trolling too, give me a like.


Mag’har are interesting with all of their skins, but their racials are such hot garbage it’s hard to get into them.

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I wanted cute snek people and all I got were diaper gnomes :sob:


if i could be a green orc priest i wouldn’t care. but as of right now maghar is the only way to have the orc priest i’ve wanted since i started playing. i was SO salty in cata when GNOMES and TAUREN got priests but orcs didn’t. -.-

Did you also miss the requests, for years, for sliders so that each of the races weren’t all one body shape?

Last I checked, there’s still no sliders.

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Well I guess you missed my point.

i started out this game as a dwarf paladin. when i made my first real alt it was a tauren druid. chubby awesome races is what i like. i only have one elf at all and i boosted him and use him to help friends. these people can’t seem to understand that people have different preferences. something being “cool” like a kt/mechagnome is just as important for some of us as them being “pretty” like a velf or helf is for them.

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I know…
Nice to see you again, btw. :hugs:

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Hey now. Don’t give up on Sethrak yet.

Put a suggestion in the in game suggestion box.

:snake: :heart: :crossed_fingers:


these threads make me so irritated though because they accuse those of us who love those races of trolling. why would i have moaned for months about how unfair the kt unlock was if i didn’t actually really want to play them? i have a bunch made but i’m waiting for the leveling changes to go through and then i’ll have 093485039485304958345 of the kts at cap.


Until MGs get Druids and Shamans.

The only roll they are worthy of - Motorball sphere

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