Two days until Mechagnomes

Relax, much to my chagrin you people will probably get your High Elves one day. Because I know what this all really boils down to; salt that the next AR wasn’t High Elves.

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Well Void Elves are the most played allied race so clearly the alliance is happy with that.
Dark Irons were asked for so happy with that.
Light forged were… well no one likes HM Tauren either so lets just skip them.

KT humans were actually asked for a fair bit in the lead up to BFA. Dunno if it was just for the druid lore but they were requested.

Mechagnomes… well I covered that but still requested.

i’m pro-helf too but i would never roll one let alone grind it to cap. but they just can’t be happy for us liking the races we like.

It should have happened. We shouldn’t have had Void elves, we should have had high elves.

We shouldn’t have Lightforged Draenei, we should have broken draenei or eredar or literally anything interesting.


The people crying about ‘furries’…are probably beginning to feel the numbers increasing in so called ‘furry’ races, yet are just a little slow in realizing we’ve had ‘furry’ races from the beginning.

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We wanted the Wrath of the lich king fully mechanized gnomes. Stop lying. We didn’t get what we asked for.

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LFD SHOULD HAVE BEEN EREDAR FOR HORDE and gave ally the tauren model with HMT.

“Yiff me daddy .” - some vulpera probably.

I myself am more than happy for the inclusion of MechaGnomes. I am in the smaller crowd that does not like Vulpera as much, not because of the nonsense furry attributes the immature place on them, but because I truly believe that we were supposed to get Kelfin.

Vulpera are a band-aid solution for the travesty that has been Battle for Azeroth, and our poor Sisters and Brothers in the Goblin community had to make the ultimate sacrifice. Of course none of that will stop me from enjoying the sensual caress of fur, the luxuriousness of a hard, straight tail.

I will have all the boops.



put on the heritage armour and you are one.
Quit dramatising :stuck_out_tongue:

alliance doesn’t seem happy with anything, ever. :expressionless:

lol what? No one asked for mechagnomes. The entire forums and reddit turned into a wildfire when they got announced as the next allied race


I’m glad I play on regular servers…yikes.

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Yeah, I ain’t lookin’ forward to being confused for those little hairballs in a couple days.

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People moaning about them being an allied race does not mean that no one asked for them to become one.
It just means they are polarising.

You could say that about literally anything then. No sizable number of people asked for Mechagnomes.

They’re going to be the least played allied race even if their racials are absurdly overpowered


Oh my innocent iochroma, being on a normal server does not mean a thing. If only you knew what exactly goes on in the deepest parts of the darkness when the sun has set upon Azeroth. No server is pristine, no, not even Spirestone.

Trust me, I am a lover.

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I genuinely missed your unique style of posting. xD

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The problem is that BIizzard keeps creating these Allied Races for the Alliance that nobody plays. Meanwhile Horde allied races get a ridiculous amount of love and care and an insane amount of customization. Ever make a Mag’har? You literally have 10 skin options it’s insane


They dont even have OP racials going for them which was the big bribe Blizz was hoping for but alas I doubt they will be played massively now considering all the hoops you have to jump through to unlock them as apposed to the Vulpera which only requires a zone completion and its rep.