Two bugged Radiant Echoes event in a row

Back to back Dragonblight and Searing Gorge bugged Radiant Echoes event.
Progress stuck at 1/6 memories remaining, but nothing in the zone or on the map.
Three hours wasted.
The grind was already awful, and now plus this bug, this pre-patch event is a total failure.
Such event should never have made it out of PTR.


Yeah same thing happened in Dustwallow Marsh for me as well. Real brutal to wait for the event to spawn for an hour then have it bug out


I’ve had 2 back to back bugged events now too. In Dragonblight my character got no credit for the boss kill or loot despite tagging the Lich King right when he spawned. In Searing Gorge now the event is stuck at 1/6 progress even though we’ve cleared all the objectives from the map.

20 mins now Rag hasn’t spawned

First event in Searing Gorge. 5/6 and nothing on map. Not liking this prepatch for multiple reasons.

Bugged for oce servers too atm at dustwallow

Same happening for me in Dustwallow. We were able to complete all but 1.

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Still happening. 4.5 hours for that event to come back around again. Don’t waste your time and just come back when the expac launches. This gear and rewards isn’t worth the time investment.

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Same thing happening in Dustwallow marsh now. been 25ish mins or so now.

Happened to me yesterday and again this morning. The timer for the zone bosses is up, sits at 0 for a tick and then restarts the countdown without the boss spawning at all

Still happening after maintenance, Searing Gorge is stuck at 1/6.

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Happened for us in Searing Gorge just now.

Same problem here, still bugged waiting on Dustwallow Marsh Echos to spawn.

Also just waiting on 1 bugged task in the marsh. Had no bugged events yesterday (before today’s daily reset) and both events since have bugged.

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Same thing happening on Malfurion server. Onyxia won’t appear and we are stuck at one memory with no areas left to clear.

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Happening on Gorgonnash, Dustwallow Marsh event. 1/6 Memories Remaining …

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still bugged. 1/6 memories remaining in Dustwallow Marsh. Kalimdor memories are the last ones I need for the ring, guess I can try again for this zone in 5 hours for it to probably be bugged again.

Wondering why the devs have been silent on this, it’s a pretty consistent issue.


Still bugged.

still bugged

Still bugged. No word from devs. We’re paying monthly for this?

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