Two bugged Radiant Echoes event in a row

Clearly Blizz don’t give a crap. They keep rolling out buggy products. FFS, get your sh!t together!!!

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GM ticket suggested I reset my UI…I don’t think they even read these tickets, just closed it as resolved with a cookie cutter bot response


Well that isn’t acceptable.

I keep having extreme lag during these events and often get no credit for completing them, despite the damage meter showing me hitting the end bosses.

Just bugged in Searing Gorge. Waiting around, boss said it was spawning in 0 seconds, then nothing. Now says 1.5 hours to spawn

Confirmed, just happened in Dustswallow for me, Aerie Peak server

Same here on Wyrmrest Accord. Dustwallow marsh event bugged with one remaining echo (that isn’t anywhere on the map).

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Crushridge, Dustwallow marsh bugged every time for me today. Frustrating…

it’s basically happening every time for me now, so much for farming new currency what a wasted event. i hope they don’t wait a week to fix this on next maintenance day like they did with warbanks

Hi, I’m Blizz, fix one bug create 10 more. der der

Same here I have yet to even see a boss spawn.

Happened to us on Wyrmrest Accord today, the 6:30 pm PDT Dustwallow event hung up on the final node so we all just ended up standing around wasting our time.

So glad for another super-stable event!

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Happened just now on Skullcrusher battlegroup, 1/6 Memories spawn, the 6th one shows off the map in Icecrown but when you try to fly to it it transitions off the event. No where else on the map is an event going on but just not marked on the map.

Blizz could easily fix this issue by just making the boss spawn automatically after like 15m if the events arent completed sooner. What a waste of time these can be when they don’t work properly.

Happening to us on Illidan - Dragonblight - stuck at 1/6 memories remaining.

Reporting in here from Moon Guard. Lich King aint spawning. 1/6 remaining.

For the 8am Eastern Lich King radiant echo on Azgalor, the event is stuck with 1/6 remaining objectives, but none on the map to complete.

It bugged for me a few times, then I ran the War Within opening quest and the harbinger questline (both super short), and went to dalaran. Was able to complete the event (at least the lich king part).

I had the Searing Gorge event just start as we sat in the zone and then nothing appeared. The top of the screen just says “Radiant Echoes” with nothing on the map and no further instructions while nothing spawns. Worked fine in a different shard on a different character.

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Searing Gorge is still bugged 2 days after it was first reported. Very sad.

Onyxia just bugged for me where she wouldn’t spawn because of a bugged (uncompletable) memory. Second zone in a row where I haven’t been able to participate.