Two Allied Races per Core Race

How bout it? Let’s balance out the Dwarves getting two and some having none, it’s bothering me a bit more than it should.


  1. Kul’Tiran
  2. Arathi (Part elves what uuup)

Night Elf

  1. Nightborne
  2. Deep Elf (My proposition for a more casual Harronir name, NE because they use their base models)


  1. Mechagnome
  2. Leper Gnome (Horde, they’ve allied with the Forsaken and Scourge in the past and they would definitely not want to ally with Gnomeragon)


  1. Dark Iron
  2. Earthen (covered)


  1. Lightforged
  2. Broken (Been an unofficial allied race since TBC, plus they’re just really interesting)


  1. Scythe Worgen (Night Elves cursed by the Druids of the Scythe, can be more classes)
  2. Bloodfang Worgen (A separate and more feral pack that has since joined the Alliance)


  1. Mag’har
  2. Pale (Connected to the Void but doesn’t like it and contrasts the Kul’tirans by being a smaller version of the other Orcs)


  1. Zandalari
  2. Frost Troll (Contrasts the other tropical Trolls, could be interesting drama with the Gnomes/Dwarves)


  1. Highmountain
  2. Taunka (A group that joined the Horde and in which dark shamanism appears to be the norm, an interesting deviation)


  1. Skeleton (Particularly desiccated husks raised into service, could be fun)
  2. Spectral (A more serious race to represent ghosts, maybe like necromantic ethereals, might be allowed to be any base race)

Blood Elf

  1. Void Elf
  2. ——— (Something that expands on the Blood Elves specifically and their role in the Horde)


  1. Vulpera
  2. Gilblin (The more naturally attuned counterpart to their green cousins, could be Alliance to swap with Lepers or neutral to balance the Earthen)


For worgen I’d rather nelves that were afflicted with the curse instead of just a feral pack.


Huh. Are Vulpera really goblins though?

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That was my first suggestion, I just figured extra feral/edgy was a good second choice.

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I can’t read evidently :woman_facepalming:

But to make the bloodfang different from worgen they should just be worgen no human form to turn back into. I think that would be cool.

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I’ll allow it :man_judge:

See for all the low-hanging jokes I used to make about them, their real trouble is they’re both special AND they use the Goblin model, so it’s weird to me. My brain wants to just say they’re connected to Goblins somehow and hope that special races in the future will be full core races that are all their own.


I never get why people insist on labeling Worgen as non-Human.

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Most allied races should have just been extra customizations.

You really want to tell me that Lightforged is different enough from regular draenei to be its own race, but man’ari who are literally demons are just a customization option?

Just ditch the allied race concept and roll all the allied races into the core race as a customization option. Vulpera can get promoted to core race.


Wouldnt the plural wow-slang for these be…delves?


Why is everyone trying to elfify the Harronir, when they’re mostly troll?


What about Pandaren and Dracthyr? Those are core races too, mind you they are neutral ones so I guess they are in an odd place next to the others.

One of the Dracthyr ones could be Drakonid, but I don’t really know what else draconic would be suitable other than that.

I suppose if you are willing to stretch the Allied Race idea that you had and include races that are not the same species, you could throw things like the Jinyu at the Pandaren. I would have said Hozen too, but the way their model is would prolly cause issues.


Lets go with Felblood Elves :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  • Bring back a threat of demons arising once more — Or better yet, the shackled prison planet of the Legion’s rebellious demons ‘Tarratus’ - Have escaped with the fall of the Legion & are now wreaking havoc across cosmos for their own invidual plans outside of the Legion.
  • Bring back the relevance & significance of both Warlocks and Demon Hunters once more.

Additionally, we could reveal some human / elf halfbloods, born from Felblood elf lineage :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: You could weave some really cool stories there & even introduce some new heroes! :thinking:


People still dunk on mechagnomes to this day, and right now they’re dunking on earthen for being another type of dwarf. I highly doubt that adding another gnome allied race and putting it on the Horde would go over well with anyone other than a few hardcore Forsaken fans who remember the few times they were shown having leper gnomes as lab assistants. Meanwhile, everyone else would complain that they should’ve just been gnome barber options and whine about ogres getting snubbed for a niche race again.

One of these is just swapping the human models that worgen use with night elf models and probably making the worgen model night elf-colored, and the other is completely pleonastic.

What other classes would scythe worgen even have? Worgen and night elves already share every class except for DH, and they’ll likely both get access to paladins and shaman in TWW or Midnight. No need for another new version of a race to do something that the first version can’t.

No. No single race should be able to look like any race, and if the decision to not give dracthyr 50+ visage options is any indication, that won’t happen.

Why the hell would the Alliance get this race when the Horde allied with a group of them back in Nazjatar?

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because worgen is lore wise a druid form

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This is where you lost me. :dracthyr_crylaugh: I can already hear the puns. Please no…I beg of you no.

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Or Wildhammer.

You could add Man’ari Eredar, we could get three allied races for Draenei.

I will put Fel Orc or Dragonmaw Orc here.

I will put Forest Troll here.

I will put Felbood or San’layn here.

Gilblin for the Horde. They are already in Durotar waiting to be accepted in the Horde.


According to lore, vulpera are goblins with a fuzz gene mutation.

Did you read the first line of this post? It’s about balancing out the fact that dwarves got two. If that’s weird, then give the others two. If they’re allied races, so what? Let there be more and put them under a clickable tab.

Why would that mean you only swap out their models without any creative additions :skull: you could add more than that. And there could be more classes for the same reason human worgen have multiple classes, they got cursed by the druids against their will.

Jeez you’re fun. Honestly I was just talking about a race that represents ghosts, in whatever form that takes.

  1. To have a race to swap to balance out the faction swap from before. 2. They wouldn’t get along with goblins. 3. They would get along with a lot of the alliance. 4. Could be a connection to a Jinyu/Ankoan core race (with their own original models pls) that would def be alliance. 5. Doesn’t have to, these could be the next neutral race so the new blood elf one could focus on the Horde.

I hate to say it, but dwarves should actually get 3. Wildhammers need to be a full AR with their own racials and heritage armor.

Actually, make it 5, frostborn and iron dwarves would be excellent additions as well.