Two Allied Races per Core Race

My man, people don’t want more reskins or subraces for the sake of having more. It wouldn’t matter if we got 13 more races for the sake of “balance” when the general reaction would be that they were added at the expense of the several dozen unique races that could’ve been added instead.

Again, night elves and worgen share all but one class, which scythe worgen logically wouldn’t have, and race/class restrictions are being gradually loosened. There’s no territory they could explore that their components wouldn’t be able to or haven’t already.

The Unshackled exist. An Alliance-aligned group of gilblins does not. So basically, you want Blizzard to pull another group of kelfin out of their butt, completely disregard how the race was portrayed in BfA, and have them clash with their land-dwelling kin for the purpose of having them join the Alliance. Gee, never heard of that one before.

Why would this nonexistent group feel more at home in the Alliance than the Horde? They have virtually no cultural overlap with the former. If the argument is “The Alliance has druids”, so does the Horde. If they were a druidic/shamanic race, then they could just as easily find kinship with the tauren and trolls if they dislike the goblins’ destruction of the environment.

First, you said that they would like the Alliance and dislike goblins for nebulous reasons, now you’re saying they could be neutral. Pick a lane and stay in it.

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whats the difference? they’re all ordinary worgens, the only difference is the ‘‘human form’’ would be nelf form

what about…jinyu for alliance and ogres for horde as a core race instead?


I’m offering multiple options, like how other people here added their creative ideas, you’re contributing nothing, You’re being less than boring, you’re only being negative towards any ideas at all

I just said this before, what makes you think that it would have to be that boring? There are a ton of ways that could be really interesting mechanically and aesthetically

Sure, that sounds great. (Although I’d stress that I’d want jinyu to have a totally new and original skeleton.) But if they’re going to keep going with allied races anyway, we should talk about them at some point

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I mean.

Do you see how tall they are?

(Real talk: I love the transhumanism they represent, like forsaken)


I have enough alts already


Are you suuuure you don’t want more?

we insist


I’m being negative towards your ideas because a lot of them don’t work.

You can’t even properly explain how worgen made from cursed night elves would be unique from ones made from cursed humans, or why a new group of gilblins should be invented and written to gravitate towards the Alliance for the sake of having another race exchange.

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Saberon use the worgen model. Ill have that 100x more than… whatever those are.


See, saberon are something people actually want, either as a full race or a Cat Form option like when the model was tied to a Feral talent in WoD. I think far more people would be satisfied with them being playable over a worgen subrace that just has a night elven paint job, or somehow looks even more feral than the normal model.


And they’re right here. on our Azeroth. A little Easter egg in the cutscene when rescuing the Mag’tar. The Botani as well. I’m really “mad” they didn’t do anything about that yet. Surely, the Botani in the barren isn’t that good of an idea… even without a Genesaur to feed them magic…


You could have both their Night Elf and Worgen models be unique, with different fur colors and Night Elf adornments and elf ears in the Worgen form, maybe even make their Night Elf forms reference their curse somehow. And again, it’s just a suggestion, I’m brainstorming I’m not super tied down to it. It was one way of achieving balance but you could switch things around to get the same effect.

I don’t like that as a reason to have allied races be connected to their core race. That’s what happened with the Vulpera which puts them in this weird place of “well why weren’t they core races?” While I get your point, I just think it makes more sense to make a new, original model for a Saberon core race. Wouldn’t it be cooler to have them be remade a little to be more original?