Two achievements not showing -

I am trying to make sure I am ready for normal flying and so far I am only missing two achievements -

A Creche Divided
A Flame, Extinguished

I’m a bit confused because I did both these quests and when I run the script test (from wowhead) it shows I completed them.

Did I mess something up somewhere?

Thank you.


I did them on Qwackers-Hellscream (if that matters)

Just to make sure - did you try these things? For A Creche Divided:

For A Flame, Extinguished:

There are just little quirks sometimes to finish out that leg of things.


Thank you - I tried those but will try again in the morning along with poking Wrathion and Sabellian, though I don’t remember them being in Zaralek anymore. I remember doing the instance with the two of them and exploring the cave on the Forbidden Reach Island as well.



It is of vital importance for us on the player-side of things to attempt helping! :stuck_out_tongue:

That character appears to have not completed the final quest for those storylines.

A Creche Divided:

A Flame, Extinguished:


Thank you - there were the clues I needed to get them done. Missed the one guy outside the cave… (bad gnome lol).

As for what’s her name the dragon queen, she was MIA but the comment on wowhead about deleting a quest so she would reappear did it.

Thank you thank you!
