Twitch: Why is Minecraft the most watched?

Every day Minecraft has well over 200,000 people watching it. It was at like 400k this weekend.

One question, WHY? It is ALWAYS the most watched “categorized” game on Twitch. What am I not getting here? Isn’t the game insanely boring with little to no action?

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My guess: kids.


I don’t know if Twitch streams are like this, but when I was a kid I loved the Yogscast’s Shadow of Israphel Minecraft series. It wasn’t really about the game. It was more about being hooked on the story, lol.


Minecraft is popular because children exist.


little guys prob. i never rly got into minecraft, my adhd brain didn’t find enjoyment in it

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because it’s fun and reminds people of legos.
When I was in highschool, EVERYBODY was either playing Minecraft or mobile games. It’s a really good game.


My kid loves Minecraft, so I’d have to agree with the others here. I don’t let her watch Twitch, but I imagine a lot of parents don’t mind if their kids do.


Its fun to see the different kinds of buildings people come up with or the towns they create. Its fun to just go out and explore the terrain thats generated. Also there are quite a few vtubers who play Minecraft who have large followings.

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Most kids like Fornite and Roblox, NOT Minecraft. Just because you don’t play it because “hur dhur I’m an adult” doesn’t mean everybody else who plays it are children.


What kid hasn’t been fascinated with legos? That’s what Minecraft really is just a world sized lego set where the imagination is the limit. It’s not about the action, but the creative side of things and what people can potentially create with enough time and dedication.


Just a reminder, this forum is supposed to be for discussing things related to the World of Warcraft. I think there is a rule that states exactly that somewhere around here. Or perhaps they’re going light on enforcement of that rule. But I just thought I’d provide you with that information just in case!

Parents who have no way to entertain their kids, so they have them watch Twitch, and typically…Minecraft is still one of the biggest things to play/watch.

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Yup, that’s why it’s one of the greatest games of all time. The only reason I don’t play it now is that my attention span got smaller as I got older. As much as I love legos, it’s hard making MOCs in this economy. Brinklink has done wonders, but the passion has dwindled.

Cocomelon and Youtube, lel

Creativity vs mayhem. Isn’t just kids. Some of us have been playing it off and on since 2009.


Why are you posting this here? We have a bunch of off-topic forums with regards to games and gaming that you can use.

I’m an 80’s/90’s gamer and three things I don’t get

watching other people play games during the time I could be playing

Games with intentionally bad graphics

a combo of the above


That made me actually lol for real. I concur.

Don’t forget that Minecraft is all about creativity and the players can host their own servers for the game as well.

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HOW DARE YOU! I am so upset right now I am going to break my keyboard.