Twitch drops- channels say I need "2 gifted subs" can they now make us pay?

cool, so they get preferential access from Bliz, exploit bugs and design flaws and then get them blocked for players before we can use them too, and we get to pay them to get in-game items.

Capitalist Hellscape Dream come true. Bliz you’re the best.

i hate when they do this stuff. i believe the subs are $7.99 each. thats in canadian dollars. and we need to buy 2. so your talking about almost $20. and thats just 1 time payment. i mean i have no problem going to the store and putting my money into blizzard for something. but i’ll be damned if i am supporting some basement dwelling sweatlord for an item in wow. they need to get a real job if they want money. no handouts from this guy.

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I got the mount (even though it looks like garbage and is bugged lmao), but idk if I’ll bother with the pet.

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im in the same boat. i am a hardcore collector. well i used to be. but since blizzard started doing stuff like this i just stopped. i missed this item, and that item, here and there and that is why now i no longer care about things. i just play to play now.

they ruined it for me and many others. they think they are slick doing stuff like this, but all it does is leave a sour taste in peoples mouths and push them away.

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… the twitch event started on launch day…

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That should be the name of the Xpac:

World of Warcraft
Pay up Suckers!