Twitch drops- channels say I need "2 gifted subs" can they now make us pay?

Which is exactly what a shop pet costs as well. I’ll just wait for it to hit the shop and then buy it during one of the half-price sales. I can’t be arsed to watch someone else play a game I enjoy playing, to be honest.

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I will have to see the pet - there is a toy that lets you look like any battle pet for 10 min, then 2 other toys will get you another 10 min . I love being a dolphin on land and having baby dolphin follow me around. :slight_smile:

It hasn’t been said but if you have Amazon Prime, you get a Twitch Subscription to donate every month. Using those, you don’t have to pay cash upfront for the pet.

Prime subs do not count. You need to pay for the pet.

Hmm they counted the last time they did this. Didn’t know that they changed it.

Someone said the Prime sub gifts do not count. Probably because Blizzard and Prime are no longer working together (hence no more gifts from your Prime Gaming page). Which is sad, because boy did all those Hearthstone packs come in handy!!!

Yeah… read that above after my comment. I guess I will just skip these items. Only load Twitch for these events and not willing to put payment information in their database.

I had that prime thing for a few months, but it had nothing to do with twitch, it just gave you one WoW item that you could use in-game… but you didn’t know what it was until the next month came around. Maybe things have changed.

It appears you may be misinterpreting this information.

There are two drop campaigns running right WoW right now -
One, the mount, requires watching a cumulative 4 hours of participating channels streaming WoW - no sub required.

The other - a pet, requires either buying two subs, or gifting two subs (or a mix of either) for eligible channels to receive.

This is a requirement of the campaign, not a requirement on the part of the streamers.

We are not forcing you to do anything to get the drop for subs, that is Twitch/Blizz.

Nobody is scamming you.

$11.98 Twitch subs are now $5.99.

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Wrong… only gifted subs count.

And why would I want to spend my money to gift A STRANGER a sub to someone I likely do not even watch on Twitch??? Not ranting at YOU, you’re just the messenger LOL, but still as I said above, I’ll just wait for them to be in the shop & buy them there. I’d rather PLAY than watch someone else play.

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Welcome to the “new” Blizzard (Brought to you by Microsoft): Pay up suckers!

Holy crap this is awful.

Streamers participating in this will, and should, get backlash. I don’t care if you’re getting paid, this is atrocious from Blizzard and nobody made streamers take part.


This is commonplace in basically any game nowadays, and literally any person streaming WoW who also has a sub button is participating into this.

They aren’t getting backlash for this, and they shouldn’t.


Yes how dare streamers… stream

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About 2 years too late for this comment.

The horsie is free


This isn’t the first time they’ve done this. lol


other pet gift you need pay a bit to streamer but mount you don’t need to pay.
no one force you to pay, its up to you 100% and you don’t have to.

It means you pay Twitch which pays Blizzard 3rd party instead of directly paying Blizzard from buying it in their cash shop.