Twitch drops- channels say I need "2 gifted subs" can they now make us pay?

I have no idea what a gifted sub even is. Can they now force us to pay for drops?

a Gifted sub, is just what it says, it is when you 'Gift" a sub. There is an option for it when you go to sub to a streamer.

Can they? No, Are they trying to? Yes.


No they can not. If you are watching a channel that is forcing you to sub to watch for the drop, I recommend switching channels and watch another streamer


TBH I still don’t understand wtf that even means. So I buy a subscription for…someone else? A subscription implies ongoing recurring payments. Am I supposed to pay for 2 random peoples recurring subscription to Twitch or something?

Nothing about Twitch makes any sense. It feels like the entire platform was designed by someone who failed basic English reading and writing comprehension back in primary school.


The gifted subs are a One time payment, they are not reoccurring on twitch. it is simply a ONE month sub.

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If they are charging for the mount AND the pet, yes they can. It’s a jerk move but they can certainly do so. I’m assuming you are talking about the pet. You can either choose to gift 2 subs or buy one yourself and gift another. Gifting is exactly what it sounds like. Both options count as long as you aren’t trying to use your Prime subs, which do not count.

To clarify for OP:

In order to get the pet, you will need to gift two subs or sub to two streamers who are eligible for the event.

If you don’t want to do that (like me) you don’t get the pet.

The next reward, the mount, will be earnable from watching four hours of Twitch WoW streamers.

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I wish the pet was for watching the stream and the mount was for gifting the subs. The pet looks cute and modern. The mount is straight out of TBC 3 polygon era with textures smaller than 3kb.

Oh me too. I like the cute owl. The horse gross.

You both just answered why it is the way it is. :slight_smile:

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Which is kinda strange considering it came out a year into MoP when a lot of mounts were looking pretty good.

Who’d of thought we’d reach the point where battle pets were more valuable then mounts. Yet here we are.

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Its in the channel description - says "

What if they have that option turned on, but don’t advertise it, you could watch a channel and get no credit.

It’s advertised by twitch itself popup on the chat side when you go into the channel if they’re participating, “watch/donate x to get y”, and you can track progress of your drops.

If those alerts don’t appear then the channel isn’t doing it.

Ok, someone in trade cleared it up for me - the pet costs 2 subs, but mount is free.

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yes you have to pay 2 months worth of subs for two people (1 month each) in order to get a pet… so yeah you are buying a pet.

Correct, pet you have to donate subs, mount you get by watching

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They told me its just $10 for pet… which I guess is the cost of 2 twitch subs

Around that yeah

$10 plus tax, but yeah. Closer to 11 when it’s all said and done. :sweat_smile: