Twisting Nether Alliance Reconnections

Throwback Friday:


Hell yes. Nineve and I will definitely be back. Opps posted as the toon that Whitewolf got renamed to.

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Nineve, resto drood who ran lots of bear flags in First Legion thru C’Thun.

I played here and there afterward on other servers under other names, but my favorite WoW memories were those good old raid days.

Is Wildcaster’s crazy a** here? Kaldore? Windy? Anuj? Tra and Katja? Voridor? (Hey, ma, get off the dannnnng roof!) I am friends with Sheika on FB, too.


Hey… didnt Elvalia send us Tim Horton coffee and mugs one time?

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Cyrus / Human / Paladin

Looking for other members of the House and other members of the Honor Guard guild alliance. Great to see so many familiar names!

Sound off for:

Guild: Suicidal Rabid Squirrels

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Osiris - Druid
Officer in Legends

Lot’s of familiar faces (names) around here. I’ve missed alot of you people. Not suprised Wipeout is the first to post lol. Lenet & Centrius great to see you again. Anyone talk to Dragonscales, Raf, Bolete, Oot, Kayle, Wald, Dappy, Lockheed - The entire old crew?? Wipeout, Ansem, Tinuviel, Nineve, Wylde, The Micro crew etc all the fantastic old school players great to see you and can’t wait to see you around again!

I will be playing an alliance druid (again) on Grobbulus |RP-PvP|Pacific. Would love to hook up with all of you again if you are going to be on that server. I’m chosing RP-PvP for obvious reason, and Pacific due to my time zone now.

Damn this is cool, even if you aren’t going to be on Grobbulus and you need a druid who was there slugging through it all from hour 1 of Twisting Nether and I still remember all the tricks of the trade from Vanilla please reach out.

This is gonna be a blast!


I remember that good times.

Omen! Hey bud! Get me on discord and lets link up.

Azore! We were talking about you the other day. We’re all coming back. I’ll add you and get you caught up.

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Hey Osiris!! See you ingame :slight_smile:

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OSI! We’re also rolling Grobbulus it looks like #GrobGang. Add my discord (listed above) and lets link up or my battlenet (Tuna#1763)

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Sarolynn here. Human priest raided with Riders of The Red Dawn mainly and First Legion for a bit

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myfriend usu brock uduh west duh go east yes where is my friend bamonnt


Wait is this Fisher? The one who told of brock that eat canned spaghetti with no sauce? Hello my good friend.


He was a dwarf priest, I remember that much, haha. Yeah I know just the song your mentioning xD

I forgot to say, I used to play a night elf rogue named Ophiella Moongale, I was in the Blades of Lordaeron. The Gm was Celethorn a paladin, and there was a Liadain a rogue, and Rev a hunter. Lots of other people too, we had some good times in that guild :slight_smile:


A lot of names I recognize from along time ago. Don’t know if anyone remembers Paul, was a pally with Red Sector A. RSA coming back?

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Xilus, human Warlock, PvP junkie :smile:

Very good times on RSA and Ventrilo/TS sessions! “Get to down to da choppah!” <3

Lets keep in touch!

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Good to see some familiar names willing to have a go at WoW once again xD

Used to play for some RP guilds, then RSA, and my final days were with First Legion.

When not raiding , I was always doing some BGs or world PvP ^^

Cant wait to see you all in game <3

Discord: Aeonax #4654

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lol yes I did!!!

I’ll be rolling on Grob for more good times with RP PvP servers! If you all have discord hit me up. Blindman84#1955

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