Twisting Nether Alliance Reconnections

Tovar! We played a lot together. I still have the video you made in pinnacle. Its the only thing I have since I lost my vanilla screenshots.
We should all hook up again on the rppvp server :slight_smile:

Formerly Kaninfodder, NE hunter and co-GM of SOLDIER. To any First Legion or Order of the SilverHand here who see this, thank you so much for letting us pug in to your dungeon/ raid groups in those first shakey years. It’s awesome to see so many veterans here!

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Are you all going to play classic again?

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Hey all!

Still Marabio here, Gnome Mage, played mostly towards the end of Vanilla, but raided pretty consistently within BC, but never got into First Legion (even though it was my dream at the time)!

Hope to see some familiar faces within Classic if you knew me, otherwise I hope everyone gets to meet some of their old friends again!

Was in WoA back in Cata when i first started raiding. Came in and tanked for you guys on Warmaster Blackhorn (First time tanking ever outside of dungeons.) Pushed onto madness and had to teach Draughttank how to do the mechanics.


Was also in a guild back in vanilla and BC called Elite Corps. Very small Twink guild. I ran on Ladriar, Nubra and Dazarn around this time.

Slaximus Human Rogue Red Sector A and Just Pro. Whatever happened to Hiki and Kandi?

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Hey all glad to see so many people excited for classic! I played Dathrelian, Night Elf Rogue in Shining Avengers. Just hoping to see some of my fellow former Avengers on here!

I played on twisting nether through the end of vanilla, but mostly in BC – Human rogue name Tyzall.

Forge was where I hung out when leveling and stuff til BC, I was just a young boy but I definitely recognize some of the guild names. I still remember watching the First Legion Lady Vashj kill video when they got it down. Most of BC I played in Fortis Animus (I think that was the name?) Briefly joined Riders of the Red Dawn once that broke while they were on Vashj… I recognize the name Pinnacle, but if I was in it, I don’t think it was BC/Vanilla.

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Slyniti, NE Rogue from the guild Disposable Heroes

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I too raided with Red Sector A! Can’t forget Wipeout. If I remember correctly we had the server first Nefarian kill?

I’ll be giving classic a shot also, and it would cool to get back together with some old Guildies. Add me Trevasauras#1712

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So many names I remember here ! Glad to see you’re giving Classic a shot too Tovar!


Night Elf Druid named Arconis (bear tank). I started mid way through vanilla. Played with an awesome group of folks in Elevenish through BC.

Ehulk/Treehulk (Justin) and Calz/Dismantle/Syne (Garret) where the hell are you at scrubs?! leathalcaulk/mpires (Phife/Mike), baden/ caulklock/bizaden (Matt) and Johnrambo/venkman/fourtyounce/marttymcfly (David) are back.

Morrissey the druid here. I was loafing about doing PvP things with Blood Orchid and later lounging with my wife’s Sailor Moon RP guild, Bishoujo Senshi. I would love to reconnect with anyone from either guild.

Omen here, NE rogue.

Was in Legends, shout out Centrius!


I played a Night Elf Priest in Legends named Azore. This brings back great memories! What’s up Centrius, Lenet, and Valkya? You guys coming back??
Add me on discord! sharpie711#3212

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I was that warrior guy named Patt … Bunch of server first and stuff including C’thun.

Played a bunch with First Legion… a bit with Micro towards the end of my days playing…

I think I was even so tough on TN someone made a guild named after me “Tough Like Patt” LoL


I definitely remember MC and BWL. It gets blurry after that!

Damn! Hey Pat, Elv here!