Twisting Nether Alliance Reconnections

Arturius, Human Paladin
(Arturius of Stormwind, for those that used FlagRSP)
Briefly affiliated with the ‘Rooks’ guild

Generally occupied with meandering around Stormwind and Goldshire, keeping an ear open for adventure or a reason to drink wine.


People like you made playing on an RP-PVP server awesome. Thank you for that. I remember Rooks!

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hey y’all,

Krivoklat (druid) here. I’m a life-long member of Wrath of Astranaar - also played a Shockadin named “Mayaheine,” who pretty much lived in Warsong Gulch.
I was one of the originals who signed the WoA charter, and then took over guild-leader after Arkanil. We had a lot of peeps come through WoA over the years. Hope to see some of y’all in Classic!

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ZOMG Elvalia! Whitewolf here. I am still in touch with Bhaylor the Paladin and Phat Cohiba the Warlock!

Whitewolf - Hunter - First Legion.

Ahh the good old days. Greycloak yelling at us to pay attention, kiting the Broodwar Lashers in BWL. Kaldore talking about the “Fat Kid Tornado”, Bhaylor, being on vent together and Tralala having all the guys attention. Not to mention RP walking right through the center of Orgrimmar into Thralls chamber and killing everyone and everything there. Gathering Nature Resist Armor, and being the first to kill C’Thun. Voridor the rogue on vent yelling “Heeeey maaa, get off the damn roof!”


Original toon was Arthuritus, human Paladin and was in the Guild “Heralds of Oblivion”
The toons I mostly remember in that guild was DarkOblivion (human Warlock), and Loquitous (sp?) (Night Elf Warrior) who was the Guild master.
I had this toon in the guild back then as well with this name.

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It’s #1224 for battlenet. Get discord though too and let’s link up with everyone!

Nothing ever changes. Some of us are still here ;D


Hey! I’m Grapthar and I played Holy Paladin with Empyrean Dawn. A bunch of badass dudes.


Holy crap!!! Didn’t think I’d actually find anyone lol!

I still have the video that Wildcaster did of our Ogrimaar raid ! I should upload it someplace.


I think i got the axe… and then replaced it 2 weeks later.

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Just found this thread. Porthos the pally here, still going strong on the same server! My main alts were my gnome mage Tinkergear and my dwarf hunter Ruthgaar; they didn’t make it to 60 before BC though. I was in Tears of the Phoenix mostly, TSB briefly, then formed The Order of the Silver Hand (also still around). Can’t believe it’s been 14 years…


OG Red Sector A, checking in!


Felar - NE Rogue
Pinnacle, Ascension, First Legion

So many familiar names this is really cool.

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Haha definitely not ralphie. Need that boy pumping heals!!

My mains were Valkya - human pally, and Molotova - human mage, guilds Legends and Riders of the Red Dawn. And a bunch of assorted alts. I plan on coming back for classic, was hoping to maybe see Sunforge here, hands down the most entertaining guild/raid leader of my classic experience.


Blessed Dwarf Disc/Shadow (Never Holy) Priest
Bo Gnome Dagger/Assassination Rogue

Didn’t make a splash on Classic but was in Riders of the Red Dawn to down Rag. Made a bigger impact in BC in Phoenix Rising as part of Voltron as Bo. Now I am a lone wolf who logs in for 2-3 months then stops playing for 2 years, just to repeat the process again. I’m still in touch with most of Voltron but it would be nice to just throw my flag up as though I started and came back here I left the realm and went horde for awhile and I can’t honestly remember where I went and sometimes who I went with. (During WotLK) Also…has anyone seen Daly? Blood Orchid?


Hello all. I was the dwarf priest Tovar, mostly known in the guild Pinnacle, joined RSA for a little bit afterwards. Played with a lot of guilds/groups that needed a healer and made a ton of friends on the server. Hope everyone is doing well. I intend to give Classic WoW a shot, so hit me up!


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Dude Valkya! I been trying to find you for years.
Hit me up on disc