Twisting Corridors - Can't Complete

I have spent about 2 hours in Twisting Corridor’s for this Signs of the Lions Quest. I am on Layer 1 and I cannot complete it passed Floor 16. The Boss for this floor is at a choke point where there are stun mechanics that appear on the floor every 5 seconds or so. Not to mention, two Deadsoul Devils keep on spawning right on top of the boss. I have killed them probably a dozen time each. (bug??)

I tried to kite the boss to the round floor below the stairs but the boss resets. As a mage, this is extremely frustrating. I have to kite. If I can’t kite, I die. This boss 1 shots you.

Challenging content is absolutely fine. When you design a dungeon and a boss that does not allow your class/role to survive the only way they can, that is considered terrible design. It’s apparent from many avenues of design choices that Blizzard does not take the entire scope of the class design into consideration when designing this content.

In essence, I can’t complete this quest solo and I wasted two hours. Literally ruined my night.

Anyone else have this issue?

If you are soloing Torghast as a mage you have no choice but to use the anima powers that let you essentially one shot the last boss. It’s the only strategy that will work when soloing. The only real alternative is shenanigans with mirror images but that requires a lot of different anima powers interacting together and may still not work if the boss decides to ignore your images and focus you. All of this is especially true when doing the corridors. Fortunately, there is an abundance of anima powers there so it shouldn’t be too bad. Just get one Seeker Scroll, 2 or 3 Runebindings and as many Wand Grease and Echoes of Elisande as you can get. Boss should be dead in just a few seconds and you can safely ignore all mechanics.

I had something similar happen to my warlock. The boss required every bit of my attention, but those shades kept spawning on top of him because they were the ones that come back endlessly. I had barely enough gear and powers to do the boss on the previous floor, so I pretty much lost.

Anything that gives health or allows for strong 1v1 potential is the way to go. But yes, if you don’t get enough powers, you waste so much time. It’s a horrible feeling.

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Yes. Essentially you need to do twisting corridors in a group. You won’t be able to solo it as a mage.

I’m bitter about it to. But… that’s the reality.

We are not glass cannons anymore. We are just glass…


Layer 1 for the quest was all good. It’s what’s after that i imagine gets dicey

I agree. Had no trouble doing the quest but I can’t get any further solo.

This sounds rather similar to a run I had trouble with at some point. The Deadsoul Devils would reset to their spawn point upon revival if I killed them a bit too far from their spawn point. If, however, I pulled and killed at a shorter distance they would stay where they died rather than pathing back to the original spawn point. It created a bit more room to work on killing what was left in that overpacked area.

Edit: I tried this again today, but it was not working. After four attempts that failed I am left to suggest not trying it. I’m not sure if I just got lucky several weeks ago.

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Fairly certain you can redo the first 6 floors and it will still give you quest completion.

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it’s not doable without certain powers stacked

i soloed all floors as a fire mage and never had any trouble lol, get higher ilvl, learn the anima builds, and dont be bad lol

Yeah no it’s very possible to solo as a mage. I did all 8 layers solo as Arcane.

As for the OP you’re gonna want a few more ilvls but a good build for frost is Smart Mirror images, extra images, the power that’s resets CDs from spells cast during Alter Time, increased AT duration and Grisly Ice. Nothing will touch you and you can have like 3 sets of images out at once with multiple orbs. That or just run the cheesy Arcane build.

Just do the first 6 floors three times. Each time you complete it, it gives you one of the items for the quest.

Lol coming from a meta slave fire mage. Try it on a class that isn’t purposely powerful from Blizzard.

Guys soloing it as a mage/frost is very possible to those saying it’s not possible. Depends in the powers you get obviously.

I finished the first 3 layers a few weeks back and haven’t been back to do layer 4 but I didn’t have any issues. Got grisly icicles and a fk ton of damage each time. Equated to frost noving mobs and spamming ice lance for retarded damage till everything died.

Here’s the trick: get a group and go arcane. Even with 5 people on later 8 floor 18, I two shot the boss, but I generally needed a group to get me there in a timely fashion. You get so many powers, it’s nearly impossible not to end up with 3x Wrappings, and Seeker Scroll, and a ton of bonus crit damage and int, so you just lust/ap/totm/invis and then the boss dies.

TC Layer 8 took me between 3-4 hours to complete solo. It takes a lot of patience to do TC so I just took my time with each layer and attempting it when I had nothing else to do in game for the week.

I’m not going to say that I one shot every layer because there were instances I didn’t have the right anima powers for what I was facing. For instance, a TC Layer 7 run I picked grisly icicle earlier for one of my epics and it was my only decent power. Floor 17 had a multitude of caster mobs similar to floor 16. I spent the entire time on floor 16 playing hide and go seek LOSing whenever DB and CS was on CD just to slowly chip away at the health of every mob. I didn’t feel like doing that again for floor 17 so I tried to invis skip mobs and unfortunately the paths were too narrow to the floor boss and got detected by elites that can see through.

For fire, IMO the best power you can get is the smarter mirror images since they cast greater pyro which hits like a truck and I try to stack other powers that supplement this like extra mirror image when you cast them or gain a mirror image every time you blink which then makes blinking through maw rats gives additional blink charges or CD reduction on blink more attractive picks.

Yep. That’s what I did.

I haven 't managed to finish TC yet either. Made it to floor 17. But I haven’t stopped trying yet. I’ve just had bad RNG with anima powers. So far.

I typically always go the survival route in these. Triune Ward, The Smart Mirrors, duplicate 1 new mirror, +15% health, any healing ones I can get. I always get them first with the anima powers. Typically at the vendor I’ll get more or start finding offensive ones.

In 9.0.5 there are a bunch of crazy changes happening to our anima powers that will make it way easier to do twisting corridors. Just a few examples, using alter time gives you and your mirror images time warp, and replacing the ice block heals one with ice block has no cooldown. You won’t need to rely heavily on just a few anymore because we will have a lot more useful ones.

Tbh Fire isn’t any easier than the other mage specs to solo TC. I soloed all 8 layers as 205 arcane the first day it was out. Compared to all the solo challenges in the past (visions, brawlers guild, mage tower, green fire, etc) soloing TC is the easiest. My biggest gripe is how long and monotonous it is, and in that regard it is for sure poorly designed.

Just mess around with all the anima power combos and you’ll sail through the harder pulls.