Twisting Corridors - Can't Complete

I’ve had some times running other wings of Torghast where I get the Highly-Polished Handmirror anima power, plus a few extra mirror images… the DPS on that is truly glorious! Go through my Combustion DPS, hit MI, then blink away and let my personal army nuke the boss :slight_smile: Unfortunately I’ve never been able to get that in TC… like I said, bad RNG.

Another good one is where you get the ability to blow up Mawrats for damage, and then get the one where you can Conjure Refreshment and end up summoning a whole bunch of Mawrats. I’ve actually one-shot some of the mini-bosses in Torghast using just that. Not particularly efficient but a whole lot of fun!

I also enjoy times when you get Remote Sheep Detonator. I love sheeping one mob, letting it tick a few times, then wiping out a whole group of mobs with a single Scorch lol. Unfortunately that one doesn’t do you much good with bosses. Fun though!


It’s much easier with arcane. My top arcane blast is just under 20 million. My top arcane explosion is 4.7 million, and I haven’t run TC since I got the mount.

doesnt matter what spec lol you can do it on any as long as u have a good anima power build and good gear.