blizzard im looking at you , do something about it.
/run TogglePVPUI()
/click HonorFrameSoloQueueButton
/click PVPReadyDialogEnterBattleButton
/click StaticPopup1Button1
blizzard im looking at you , do something about it.
/run TogglePVPUI()
/click HonorFrameSoloQueueButton
/click PVPReadyDialogEnterBattleButton
/click StaticPopup1Button1
They can still queue if they have there experience turned on.
You mean actual twinks with their xp turned off… or the people who only semi twink, and leave before the bg ends, to minimize their xp gain as much as possible?
Twinks still que for bg’s with xp on untill they out lv it. Which is probably what they are doing. What is blizz going to do give them rare candies to get to 120 faster?
i mean twinks fully geared 60k hp in a 110 bg full mythic antorus set twinks2 legos full 300 ilvl azerite helm antorus trinket the works.
I’d take you a little more serious, OP, if your name didn’t directly state what you are.
a therapist?
my mother used to bring me to one of yall when I was young, I hated it.
Youll never be able to completely remove twinks, bht it is a heck of a lot better than it was when we let them in woth xp off.
Some “Twinks” are exploiting a bug to get into EXP on PvP instances. There is a new post about it in the Bug section. Go support it if you’d like to see this fixed.
no it isnt its the same but now it ends up with one or 2 twinks with no resistance destroying anything they see.