Experience Eliminator Exploit / Bug Abuse

Since Patch 8.1.5 the Experience ON leveling bracket has been separated from the Experience OFF “twink” bracket.
Previously before this patch player with EXP on and EXP off could queue into the same battleground/ PvP instances.

With this change a popular exploit has made a comeback. It involves the player exploiting into EXP ON bracket with his EXP OFF., and it’s time to get this issue fixed (long overdue)
Personally this exploit is news to myself, but various WoW forums claim it’s an old bug/exploit that has been around for many expansions.

To sum-up the exploit in a few words; The player queues for a regular battleground with his EXP ON. The player then talks to the EXP eliminator NPC and asks to turn the players EXP OFF. The confirmation window comes up, and through a use of a macro script the player manages to join the EXP on battleground he queued for but with his EXP OFF.
Basically, the player locks his exp in less than a second before entering the battleground.

Why is this an issue? Good question
Say you are leveling 111-120 via battlegrounds. The player who has experience off (most likely capped at level 119) will have a massive advantage over you because he is a “Twink”. He locked his experience and got the most powerful gear/enchants/sockets/consumables available to him. Lower brackets get an even bigger advantage because of more available spells along later levels.
Some brackets get it worst than others ex. the 70-79 bracket, the 60-69 bracket, 90-99 bracket.
Since these players turn their EXP OFF, that means they won’t level and will continue to massively overpower leveling players.
The 8.1.5 patch was trying to prevent this exact thing from happening. Even Blizzard Tweeted directly about it.

Hope our wonderful blizzard team fixes this soon!
Thank you for your time. Have a wonderful Easter! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Edit: Another HUGE ISSUE with this that I forgot to mention
The bug exploit ignores player count. So a regular 10 man warsong gulch could potentially have 15 players on one of the teams if the whole group queues with exploit. This applies to any BG or any amount of people that exploit queue.

Please Blizzard, fix the EXP eliminator NPC.


thumbs up, also they should :

  1. nerf the crusader enchant for weapons.
    Currently this gives 200 strength and is way too powerful for level 20-29 bracket.

  2. disable weapon enchants for those level20’s whose subscription expired (vet a/c). These people can still join the lvl20-29 experienced ON battleground queue after their subscription expires but they can still keep their high level enchants obtained when they had game time. This effectively turns them into powerful twinks, and is indirectly encouraging people to deliberately letting their subscription expire in order to gain unfair advantages at the level20-29 bracket.


While you’re also at it put Starter Edition twinks like Silvershart back onto xp-off like it was before.


Stop steering the topic of course, guys.

Those are 2 great game suggestions, but they go in the suggestion section, not in this thread. The 2 things described above me are working as intended.
They are not bugs/exploits unlike my original post.
This section is for bugs.

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“starter edition twinks” ?? Does this thing ever exist? Don’t make up false statement. Starter editions cannot have any useful enchants apart from +1 xxx things, the maximum gear lvl is at ilvl26 only, cannot purchase any consumables/recipes from the auction house, cannot craft any gear (goggles in particular) requiring engineering >100, cannot purchase full set of heirloom, and a long long long list of limitations

Also, the above 2 suggestions are definitely not “as intended” since blizzard did nerf a lot of weapon enchants except missing the Crusader due to an oversight. And, it is definitely not blizz intention to let anyone think that if they unsub they can be so much powerful in the game.

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Again. Please stay on topic.
This topic is about a bug/exploit abuse. These things being discussed are unrelated to the original post.
Make your own thread if you wish to do so, but please stay on topic.


It’s very easy to do this exploit, a simple fix to this would be to add a cooldown on when you can turn on/off XP.


“A simple fix” to blizzard was to eliminate the ability for 110+ to even lock XP, so be careful what you wish for… not as many will speak up to tell them what a stupid decision this/that was this time around.

I wouldn’t put it past them to eliminate the feature entirely before actually fixing anything.

And then telling everyone about it a week or two later on twitter.

Eliminating the ability for everyone to lock XP is more radical, but I would happily live with it.

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an even simpler fix is for the server to check the experience ON/OFF status in the battleground/pvp instance and kick those not matching the required status.


A cool down or checking for EXP status are both great ideas to a solution.
We’ll just have to see what Blizzard comes up with… If they even decide to fix this anytime soon.

I agree, please fix this blizzard. My leveling experience is ruined with all these twinks exploiting into xp-on bgs. I am deeply saddened and torned inside


Another HUGE ISSUE with this that I forgot to mention
The bug exploit ignores player count. So a regular 10 man warsong gulch could potentially have 15 players on one of the teams if the whole group queues with exploit. This applies to any BG or any amount of people that exploit queue.

Please Blizzard, fix the EXP eliminator NPC.


Please fix this


12 man warsong gulch/16 man Arathi Basin are ridiculous. Pls, fix this bug ASAP. Top priority

(are there any ways to link the screen shot showing 12 man WSG? It keeps saying links not allowed in the post)


I also have screenshots if it ever comes down to proof


bump plz bump bump


Any news ?


I love how levelers can’t spend 500g on enchants that will be forever bound to your boa to have a more enjoyable experience while leveling/pvping, even competing in some cases, depending on ur class. Low level gear isn’t the biggest difference, its all about classes/enchant such as satyr n force. If you are against twinking, ur prolly 12 and can’t afford 500g. Who cares if hes exploiting, we’ve been farming him 4 wsg in a row gy camping their 29 premade lol. Get some enchanted looms and the biggest difference comes from ur specialization. An arcane mage will destroy on mutiple classes even if the guy is twinked. Same with boomies, and outlaws. Stop whining about unecessary stuff and let blizzard fix endgame instead of lazy and bad levelers


Here is the bug being explained in detail

Don’t make this more complicated than it is.
It should be a simple fix on the EXP Eliminator NPC.