Twinks still a HUGE problem

Not a soft spot, you literally took a skilled based difference and related it to gear, lol. I’m not arguing with stupidity.

And I promise, you most certainly don’t get what I’m saying, and never will. So enjoy the game guys, have fun twinking or not, I couldn’t care less, I’m out. Best of luck. :slight_smile:

I take it you haven’t encountered the raid sets yet. Done any high level arena lately?

If you want a PURELY skill based game, take a look around while you’re unsubbed. Maybe you can actually contribute to improving those games with your opinions.

I mean so many things can make you do well in bgs marks of honor to buy potions,gliders,flask, gear from vendors me personally i know i do all these and about a good majorty of my friends do this as well. People who dont want to take advantage get left behind

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Just seems like he wanted out of a corner so he made a hole in the wall instead.


Thats what I’m saying. Even without twinking, Saltwater + Zerk is a 60% power difference between two equally skilled players. Thats worse than twinks. If you have 20 gold you have acess to that, so theres no way anyone can claim its not accessible.

Agreed few months ago i used a toon i had at 110 at the time he was in prideful gear wanted him as my next 120 he was of course a marksman hunter 1 of the most broken specs in the game. wanted to see how much dmg with salt+ zerker i could do and i would nearly 2-3 shot most people being in that kinda gear was pretty nuts

I pick up Prideful every time I hit 90. Spend 10 marks of honor on gems and you’re set until Azerite gear. Prideful was terriying in the prepatch.

Yeah i think in legion a friend told me he picked up that kind of gear and put pvp power gems in it and his dmg sky rocketed while he was lvling or so he says

PVP power was nerfed by about 90% during the prepatch, along with resilience.

It was crazy strong. The weapon bonus +PVP power gave you about 25% bonus damage in PVP combat.

It was odd watching my Legion 99 twink get smashed by BFA 90s in old pvp gear.

Ah i personally didnt use those but good to know i figured it would eventually from what he told me

Ah I couldn’t help but check what you idiots replied with. And of course, you bring up things every player has access to and uses, like potions and berserk, lol. Or the gear that players legitimately earn as part of the arena progression.

You literally don’t know what ‘twink’ means, that’s funny as hell. Alright, well…hopefully I don’t get curious and come back again, I’ve wasted enough time already.

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If I have to get out my Fishing Rod of…

and beat you back into the hole you dug into your corner one more time…



Also my 90 warrior with stacked pvp power prideful was a sharknado of doom.
It was so much fun.

Okay so, I am a Twink responding to this.

I have no idea what you are talking about with this exp off thing being some sort of cheat. If Blizzard did not want twinks to be around, they would find a way to fix that.

The level 19 bracket is not a game exploit because you don’t even get honor for it towards prestige rewards or anything, you can get a lot of hk’s, but that doesn’t really matter. Also it gives people the opportunity to get some of the achievements towards the Battlemaster title that are virtually IMPOSSIBLE to obtain at today’s level cap, such as winning 1600 to 0 in EOTS, it ain’t happening in 120 bg’s.

On top of that, why take away our enjoyment of minmaxing a low level character? I am completely excited that I was able to get my level 19 Arms warrior to a base 42% crit chance, and I still have more that I can get. It took a lot of time, and I STILL require my subscription to join battlegrounds in that bracket.

Why should our account be banned, are you crazy? Because you obviously have some kind of complex that because you cant join a bg at level 10 with quest items and start winning everyone should be banned… What are you trying to accomplish by wrecking someones account because they want to min max a low level?

The only reason someones account would be “wrecked” would be for exploiting. If you’re just being a twink, you aren’t exploiting. I don’t think anyone, not even the craziest worgen or orc, thinks just being a twink is worth being banned.

The only calls for punishment are directed at twinks abusing exploits.
(Unless I missed some lunacy).

Okay, so I am a twink responding to this.

Using the exploit is cheating. Period. Its intentionally exploiting a game mechanic to deliberately go around Blizzard’s intended use of the mechanic.

The debate is about whether or not twinks should have been removed.

Everything else you said is valid/slightly valid and contributes to the actual discussion that matters.


I’m sure if PvE raiders/mythic five-person players would love to be able to play an entire expansion to min/max their gear and sit on that gear for many many expansions to come. Oh, wait that isn’t how Blizzard intended the game played. It’s called progression, the thing with twinks they hide behind obnoxious gear item levels to prey on fresh greens leveling through XP on brackets.

If Twinks would admit they have no interest in progression, and would rather sit in brackets to 1-2 shot people, I think more would accept and move on. However, they fall back on obnoxiously overpowered gear, enchant, and gem advantages to best other players in random PvP; with the least skill possible. I get it, twinks version of rated battlegrounds are random casuals, just calling a spade a spade.

A level 110 sitting at item level 275 could be played at a very high level by a horrible keyboard turner vs. someone with 190ish item level. It’s no skill, my friend, that’s called I want to be LeBron James and play vs. the pickup YMCA league of elementary school kids.

I bet if Blizzard normalized gear, gems and enchants or disables them only with standardizing stats. Twinks would be rage posting and crying how Blizzard ruined their fun. Most of them wouldn’t queue since they have to rely on 99% gear and pressing 1, 1, tab, 1, 1, 2, tab, 1, 2 1, tab. Just admit it, and I will at least give some respect for your honesty.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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Nobody, especially the ones who engage in the playstyle to grief will ever admit that.

Yes, the game is about gear progression. However, that’s only touching on the tip of the iceberg, leaving out the “but…”

Just because somebody engages in the playstyle does not automatically make them a bad person. It’s just some people who embellish information or say things that even they do not agree with to try getting people going.

Example, I’m what I would call a MTG twink. I’ve played the game since the early 90s and I own cards worth hundreds and a few in the thousands. Wizards has “separated” people who like to use these cards from jumping into a tournament with the average person who owns mostly newer cards. I don’t complain. I don’t say that I spent decades collecting and since I put in all the effort, should be able to use these in any competition. There are specific competitions for players like myself who play against others with the same kinds of cards (Vintage). I’m fine with that. I don’t blame random or more casual players for this. I don’t call them lazy because they don’t go out and buy all the kinds of cards I have. Yes, they’re available right now for them! However, the elephant in the room is always “feasibility.” It’s not feasible for anyone or everyone to do, especially once others have had such a headstart.

Now, I can absolutely jump into a casual game that people are just sitting around a table(s) playing. I’ve done it countless times and I’ve lost count how many times I’ve beat randoms in 1-2 turns and got my kicks. I’m also not the only one. I’ve met people like this who have good composure and I’ve also met those types who ONLY use cards like these so they can brag about beating randoms using newer cards.

This is why I feel separation was a good idea. If competition is sought after, seek it with like people. Hardcore vs casual is not competition. Now, if Blizzard did standardize things, there would really be no reason to separate, regardless of the person(s) reason for doing what they do.

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A player with enchanted heirlooms and decent gear really isn’t far from a twink you know. As both gear sets were shown, all stats except versatility were practically even. That means the person close to a twink still has a big advantage over the real “casuals”

If it’s that big of a deal, block heirlooms from leveling BGs. I’ve seen posts that they are and that they are not close or whatever. Blizzard has some reason for not doing it. Not sure if it’s because they disagree, are just oblivious to it or what. Your guess is as good as mine on that.