Twinks still a HUGE problem

There is no metric, it’s all based on comparison, as with any sport or competition.

Also, I’m not sure about other areas, but if you go to the human starting zone, you literally can’t progress without doing all the quests lol. It’s only when you hit 10 and get hero’s call, do you get some freedom in jumping around.

Not all twinks are unskilled. Its the attitude that many project that gives that impression.

To be fair, I’ve not done that area in a while. I did Dwarves and there were more quests that I needed.

If there’s no metric then what do you base your assumption on. Or is it just that, an assumption because they killed you in a low level bg?


That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out.

SS or it didn’t happen. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Eat your words, woman. Space after the letter h


I’ve already answered that question like…100 times. It’s based on my experience and the experience I’ve gathered from hearing what other people are saying (aka killing twinks).

Why does everyone who disagrees automatically has to have been camped or had some bad experience? Why can’t people who disagree just have their own brain with their own opinions? I’d understand if our arguments were illogical or extreme, but they clearly are not.

If you read your posts from our side of it, you’d see. For example, I don’t usually vent but when I do it’s if I had a bad moment in the game. And I figured with how dead-set you are that they have no skill, you’d have something to back it up. My bad.

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I actually think it’s the way you are reading my posts. Nothing I said was emotional, derogatory, etc. I’ve been explaining why I think the twinks have been an issue, gave reasons for it, etc.

I’m not dead-set on them having no skill. Of course some of the twinks will, and who knows what percentage that is. But like I said, from what I’ve gathered, enough are lacking in skill to warrant that point. Moreover, similar to what Greyhide said, their demeanor would suggest they don’t either (which of course is just one big assumption, and I don’t put any value to that, but it’s also worth mentioning).

It wouldn’t surprise me if Elwynn is super optimized. The Elwynn —> Westfall —> Redridge —> Duskwood zones have always been the Alliance mega leveling zones.

Calling out peoples skill could be considered emotional.

Would be like saying levelers lack skill because some of them don’t try. Which was the case when I was leveling through BGs at the time twinks were mixed in. We didn’t lose because of twinks, it was lack of teamwork.

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Like I said, that’s the way you’re choosing to read it…you’re defaulting to that, and it’s most likely because I disagree with your stance on this subject.

It’s not really, because twinks always try. There is no hidden reason like not trying or caring with twinks. They are in there to destroy people, they try and care. I’d be eager to meet one that was playing nonchalantly.

It’s called making a blanket statement based on an observation.

Can’t argue with that. Even if I don’t start in Elwynn, I always seem to navigate to Duskwood :confused:

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AlL TwINkS ArE BaD At ThE gAmE anD hAvE No SkilL, OK?!? MaybE If YalL HaD sKilL YoU WouLDnT NeEd To TwiNk And Do End GaMe PVp InsTeaD


That’s what they sound like :joy:


That’s how they really be sounding like too. All while disregarding that people who pay to play can play the game how they want.

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I pay $15 a month for this game. I will play however I want to. No sub 2k players can tell me otherwise lol