Twinks still a HUGE problem

I think you posted just to increase your post count :man_shrugging: sure wasn’t to add anything of value.

I’m not pretending anything. I’m also not crucifying someone over rumor.


Threads on this topic have come and gone, probably due to their being specific call-outs involved. The accusations included people hanging around the XP switch NPC and not leveling up despite repeated participation in XP-on BGs. Definitive? No, but those are pretty strong indicators of foul play if you ask me.

It’s a hard thing to prove on the forums without threads being removed or suspensions/bans being handed out. That doesn’t mean that it’s not happening.


This was said to be around before queues were merged.

Whether or not an exploit is being used doesn’t negate the fact that to a leveler, a twink is a temporary problem.

Just look at socks SS on his warrior. Just because someone has the damage of a twink, doesn’t make them an exploiter.


That’s irrelevant. If something is being exploited, and I admit that I can’t personally prove that it is, then it should be dealt with whether it’s temporary or not.


That’s fine and dandy and I agree, but not what Mauden was calling me on.

edit: I looked back and your comment wasn’t in reply to me. I thought it was, which is why I replied to you. My b.

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Agreed, that’s why I pointed to hanging around the NPC and repeated XP-on participation as indicators rather than just success on the leaderboards.

I was calling you on downplaying it, and then pretending it doesn’t exist.

Nothing more, nothing less. Anything else is in your head.


Well that’s obvious but has anyone actually seen this? Just hanging around the NPC doesn’t mean much. I hang in the same spot when queuing BGs, low or max level.

But again, there is only accusation in this thread. No proof. Nothing for you to base this on but a guy’s hunch. I’m not getting worked up over that. I never pretended it didn’t exist. I didn’t go through the trouble of googling further into it, you’re correct. I’m at work…looking up exploits while at work is a bad idea. Are you trying to get me fired or something? : P

I stand by my statement that twinks are a TEMPORARY problem for levelers…you haven’t even attempted to sway my opinion otherwise.


I can recall one thread in particular that reported observation of this behavior but it was removed or deleted.

It’s not weird for someone to hang out and jump in circles waiting for queue but the exploit is only made possible by the NPC so people who camp there specifically, AND appear not to be leveling out in reasonable time, AND have uncommonly good gear are suspect as far as I’m concerned. Too many coincidences.


If they’re present in every bracket then I’d argue that it’s a pretty chronic issue that only gets worse as the number of alts a player chooses to level in BGs increases. But I feel that’s a separate discussion.


but you’re leveling to 120, right? That’s not permanent then.

I eagerly await when you can google it.

That’s cool. I’m probably not going to, either. Ya’know, since that’s not what I’m arguing.

I care much more about exploiting and the downplaying/dismissal of said exploits than whatever your personal opinion on twinking is.


I actually wait around there to queue and tell the people there I’m reporting them.

I don’t actually do it, but it has led to some fun conversations.

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This is all in everyone’s head actually. No one knows who is exploiting, who is not, except Blizz. These threads are all useless screaming at the sky endeavors. All anyone should do is report suspected and let it go from there.


Chronic but not permanent, no. The issue was apparently long-term enough to be looked at and changed.

It was changed to oil the squeaky wheel…not because it was a game breaking problem. Same with gear normalizing in instanced PvP…it was good and fair for the game, but overall boring and go changed to some weird convoluted scaling that no one really understands…even those who designed it.


Some would take it a step further and illuminate the possibility on this forum. I don’t think they’re wrong for that. It’ll either improve the game by highlighting an exploit or do nothing at all.