Twinks still a HUGE problem

You can, but one screenshot doesn’t mean it’s something that happens on a regular basis like people are proclaiming.



The difference just isn’t as big as it used to be. Read what I wrote instead of trying to read something else into it.

Yeah, I get it, but it goes beyond that. Certain specs are LOL OP at low levels.

The people crying the loudest are the ones who want to play with no gear. They certainly aren’t the majority. Average levelers are, and they generally have at least some gear or heirlooms.

Again, look up the gear since the changes.

*Still wondering why they nerfed a bunch of stuff if the separation was intended…


I read exactly what you wrote. Perhaps we define ‘twink’ differently…

That’s going to happen, because you can’t balance the game based on low levels. Balancing low levels means max level gets out of whack. But again…we’re strictly talking twinks, and not class imbalances.

Nobody wants to play with no gear, and I doubt many people expect to be able to compete without getting some gear. But again, none of that gear, none of the average levelers, can compete with the twinks.

Again, I’ll simply refer everyone to the decision the creators of the game made. They didn’t separate queues because they randomly felt like it…there was reason. Why everyone is pretending the reason doesn’t exist, or is unjust, is ridiculous to me. Admit the twinking is unfair and move on, it’s absurd to defend such a thing.

What do you consider the ‘average’ leveler in 2019? Just curious.

We’re talking about gear when we talk about the average leveler here.

I’m aware, you didn’t really answer the question though.

Depends on the bracket. Not someone in greens, and not someone who has every quest/dungeon complete that will give them the best gear. Someone…ya know…average. :wink:

You could have just said you don’t have a good answer, would have been easier.


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I think that was a good answer, sooo…

It wasn’t an answer, you’re dancing around what you consider an average leveler for whatever reason.

BoAs? Enchants? Full greens? Dungeon gear ok? Can I transmog my gear? White gear? Empty slots?


I guess you missed this little gem, right here in this thread:

One more time. Go look at all the items that have been nerfed for low brackets since the last patch. Go compare dungeon gear to heirlooms and quest drops.

It’s only in the 110 bracket that there is a big gap.


No I didn’t miss that one post from that one person.

I’m not going to go searching for gear, sorry. I’m too old to be getting homework…list them out here if you care about it enough.

What I will say is…regardless of that, is the typical player, the ‘tourist’ passing through…are they going to waste their time/gold getting that gear that will be obsolete within a day or two? Twinks may not seem as awful in lower brackets than the worst bracket, 111-119, but that doesn’t make them a non-issue. Moreover, Blizzard can’t (and won’t and shouldn’t) address things per bracket, especially considering the low bracket as a staple for decision making.

Blizz can’t design anymore into the lower levels. It ultimately breaks down to the person. If you want stuff, you’ll get it, if you don’t you won’t.

Nah, I already know what’s up. Just thought you might want to educate yourself instead of continuing to make false claims.

That’s their choice, but people who played enough to get better gear (twink or not) will continue to beat them. Do what you want, but don’t try to exclude others who put in more effort, in an MMORPG, just because you don’t want to.

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Lol, whatever you say. :slight_smile:

Actually Blizzard is the one that decided that. :wink: And it was the right call, soo…I don’t know what to tell ya. Sorry you lost your ez-mode advantage I guess.

Literally nothing has changed, I spend more time pushing people to the GY just to prove that its just as easy now that they segregated the playerbase even more.

high five

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I’m happy for you?

Ive never had a problem with ques not popping. They might even pop more if it wasnt because people know its probably just full of imbalanced OP geared people to fight.

Nothing is segregated? Atleast in my bracket BGs still full of over geared people dominating.

Actually, patch notes say it, and gear shows it.

I play either way, but why should my effort be wasted so other people can avoid any effort?

Well, they don’t always pop, and sometimes they take forever. It would be worse with further segregation.

White items don’t even have stats, so you will have a bad time against people with (any) actual gear. I see you have some gear now (that isn’t white). It wasn’t that hard, was it?

Most brackets don’t have twinks. The 20s bracket does. It’s free to play accounts that can’t level past 20. If Blizzard hadn’t banned twinks, a bunch of people wouldn’t have unsubbed to play free ones. That and 110s. You might want to skip those two brackets, since they are much different than a couple twinks here and there like before.

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What I’m really saying is…I don’t understand what on Earth your point was. They nerfed some gear…um, ok. :slight_smile: That some how relates to people using exploits to cheat and twink random battlegrounds Blizzard intelligently separated them out of?

As a side note, I never have queues not pop…in fact, queues never take more than 10 minutes tops (and that’s on horde’s side which has longer queues).