Twinks still a HUGE problem

Its safe to assume that twinks have more passion for pvp than the average player. So assuming they would be better (on average) isnt that crazy of an idea.


Sorry, but I don’t see ‘passion for pvp’ being equal to ‘creating a staggering advantage’. If they truly have a passion for PvP, wouldn’t you expect them to want fair and challenging games? I do.

It’s not showing who this is in reply to, is it me?

No it’s not you, I’m not replying to a stat requester.

I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t reply to requests for proof if I were making wild and impossible to prove numbers up either.

Of course I wouldn’t do that in the first place, but hey, you do you.

This is a forum, where people discuss higher level concepts. Instead of picking a specific number, take the concept and absorb it. I obviously don’t mean literally 95%…use some critical thinking. :wink:

Even on my main I try to get as many advantages as I can. Every season (before this one) I would raid to try to get the best trinkets ect to help me be the best I can be. My passion for pvp is what drives me to do these things. In both twinking and max level.

Sure, those are examples of fair and expected ways of creating advantage. Or rather…that’s simply just playing the game. That’s not, however, using an exploit to specifically play against ONLY staggeringly weaker players.

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Let me ask you guys a question…

Do you think it’s fair to use an exploit to bypass Blizzard’s wishes and play against players with hundreds less in iLevel?

Would you think it’s fair if on my high school basketball team, I recruited Kobe Bryant and we went undefeated?

Esp in legion. 1v5 as a frost mage in world pvp was some of the most fun ive had in this game. Also felt pretty fair considering the numbers I would take on. If i die ill think up on how to improve and try again.

Wait…you felt 1 vs 5 was fair? Haha…

I dont think it was fair for blizzard to put the restriction in the first place.

Oh sure. You don’t mean that number even though you said it like it was a fact, but you did say

So while you may not mean what you’ve said previously, you still think a “laaaaarge majority” fit that massive generalization. Yet you’ve got nothing to back it up.

I’m not exactly fond of twinks, and absolutely not the cheating that’s been defended and outright supported, but massively generalizing the opposition does nothing but entrench people further.

So you think i had an advantage?

Sure if it was 1v1 maybe id have onr… but 1v5?

In a battleground, if 5 enemies have to work on taking you down, yes…the team has an OBVIOUS advantage, since it’s then 5 vs 9. How is that not obvious? We’re clearly not talking world pvp here…

You think a high school basketball team with Kobe Bryant doesn’t have an advantage?

Exactly this I mean come on even someone who hates twinks admits this says a lot like I said before hate twinks or not there are people who are high rated that have played them

I resub from time to time. I always start doing BGs at lvl 10 usually in all whites.

There should be atleast 3 separate brackets based on iLVL that separate the BGs.

Players in mainly white/green.
Players in mainly green/blue.
Players in mainly blue/purple.
Heirlooms would fall into the middle/last bracket depend on total iLVL.

A lot of classes early in game have a disadvantage just by their class, plus the gear gap. If people want to twink out their chars great. Those players should be matched with other twinks. Others have said if you turn off exp, it puts you with other exp off players. But you still get twinks who have the cash/gear to just level up randomly.
There is no reason BGs shouldnt be matched by iLVL. Id gladly wait an extra 10-20minutes for a balanced BG, that isnt based on whichever team has the best gear.

The only people in BG chat who seem to disagree with matching BGs with iLVL are the ones in blue/purple gear.
Ive made it to 120, at the time even rated bgs werent based on iLVL, youd still get matched with players some 30+ iLVLs above you…
Guards havnt even been added to spawn areas.

The gear gap gets a little less and less and you progress through the game and things somewhat even out. But then if you start rated BGs, its the SAMETHING to deal with again. Ive unsubbed and resubbed so many times, just due to inbalance in BGs. Its so horrible at times. It just gets worse and worse with time for new players.

Ok lets think of this way. I like that analogy. I dont know this as fact but i think we can assume Kobe played basketball in high school. Same age as everyone one else and probably heck of a lot better than them too. He was basicly a basketball twink. Im sure his school didnt ban him from playing because it was unfair to the other team.

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He said exploiting a hack.

GG forum troll. GG