Twinks in xp on bgs

that does not mean its intended. have you never heard of bugs and exploits? we have a whole selection of the forum dedicated them, things that are not intended.

remember how people were using macros to leave exp off? THAT WAS AN EXPLOIT and they eventually “fixed” it. took a while for them to do that too


not true!! they happen all the time, do you even play these brackets? see them pretty much every weekend time in 119

also common in the 20s

intended. Blizz made this so we can one shot plebs who fail at cc

I mean enough both factions to match them together. So solo queues are matched against premades more at low levels.

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i actually look for them so i notice it. a lot of people seem to just not notice and think they are rare.

i wont say there are a lot of people doing them, but the ones that do queue a lot of games. watch for alliance guilds from storm rage especially

Okay, but anyway, party sync wouldn’t be bad if it weren’t for the grouping mechanism. And a twink or two wasn’t the problem until they were a party of 4-5.


i have mixed feelings about that. on one hand, no group requirement would mean anyone could do it all day every day. that might balance things out

on the other hand it could make them a shlt show that is wildly imbalanced based on number of 120s per side

i understand that language breeds stereotype
But what’s the explanation for the malice, for the spite?

in the top ten of my all time favorite bands

I sometimes wish Blizz would dedicate a small 2-4 person team to following around players who endlessly try to break game systems for their own advantage… you know things are broken when the bloody mess at 120 with corruption and massive ilvl gaps starts looking more fair than leveling BGs.

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I just did some 70s on this char, been gone for a while but bought the brutal gear.
Ppls dmg seems crazy compared to my numbers.
lifebloom ticking 65 per , rejuve 120-ish every 3 sec.
meanwhile some donkey smashing their face into arcane missile key hits 350 every second,
WTH?? man i must be cracking up or sumn

That wouldn’t work, its only natural that players try to figure out the system to their advantage. There is a reason why information is so secretively shared. It would be nearly impossible to identify each player who focuses on such systems, and to watch them constantly when they are on. Any time people figured that whatever they find is patched they would switch up their characters/accounts. The best most likely solution if you view it as a problem would be to hire or offer those people something, because they are likely experienced enough to figure it out and likely openly share it. Its just like that one content video guy people were posting about, something about he would make a video and report a bug to fix it. He gets more views/subscribers and they fix a potentially abusive bug, win-win.

I just gotta add this would be less likely to work for this(but still possible depending) because all these people want to do is be able to play their characters(including me).

Healers aren’t as resilient as they used to be at low levels but they’re more capable of doing damage. As someone that primarily heals I’m happy with the change, it’s good to be able to influence the BG in both ways when it’s needed.

There’s not much point to the sockets if you don’t use them. Also, enchantments are a lot of what makes gear powerful and I thought the lower level gear sets had inactive set bonuses. You might want to check out and see how people are gearing.

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Cheers, will do.

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What even happened to this thread?

People are treating it like the front page. I wish I could end it, I’ve gone back to General.

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its bugged, if they wanted you to be able to do that they would just let you do it on your own.

why would blizzard purposely make you join a group and then leave that group? i’ll post it in the bug forums next week and see i can get a response. not holding my breath for one though

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You’ll do fine. BGs are easier and harder than they used to be, a lot of people run them rather than max level due to all of the max level grinds so there are a lot of good players but you don’t have the insanity of Wrath with over 100 pct avoidance in guild groups players in the regular queue.

This is another good resource though it’s written for max level.

I also look at the PvP leader boards, Some of the XPOff data can be wrong if the person stopped playing before newer abilities and change. The people that play enough to have their armory linked tend to fix their character even if they don’t run them, try to look for agreement between builds…

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Investigating further, i think it’s a numbers issue, my wild growth ticks for 20hp, bloom for 60 hp, this is just trashpanda lvls of bad.
So maybe not a good idea for me to waste thousands of gold on gems when these numbers are this terrible baseline.
Thinking diff spec now before i gem/ench, thanks for the links btw will read further as I contemplate next step.

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You should never spend gold on gems for intellect toons, only marks of honor. Heck even on strength toons you can get gems from heroic dungeons, same for intellect toons. These are both generally better, especially since critical strike is nerfed in PvP.


If you were my server I’d hook you up, I have scads of leveling items. It’s easier with looms since they last throughout the leveling process and you can save them for later characters. There’s also ilvl scaling which, admittedly, I’m not sure how it works exactly. It used to be that all gear scaled up to the ilvl of looms with higher ilvl items retaining their power which was the basis of twink advantage, but I couldn’t tell you if there’s a min ilvl or specifics like that but those items could last for more than 1 bracket.

I gear for doing things outside of BGs but prioritize them since PvP is some of the harder leveling content plus I don’t think scaling applies to WPvP.

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