Twinks in xp on bgs

if its a blizz mechanic then yes they did.

thats not exploiting anything, what made you think i was talking about that

i was responding to the druid

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blizz doesn’t leave loopholes. gg monk

lmao thats ridiculous. never heard of a bug? get out of here

no u. a player is using what blizz installed in the game. anyone can use it. gg

this makes me happy the Monk in ? is my friend and i BG with him in fact i am his pocket healer !!! i was healing him with my Priest in the BG that we farmed them in the spawn! dont get mad get good!


Harambe approves


Can I just ask if its Michael?

I miss that dude. I had so many good Korraks Revenges with that guy.

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pretty sure i know this monk. he was playing a lock twink in karraks. video on youtube of him one shot 12 players one chaos bolt lolz

it’s completely intended to get the xp gains debuff. why cant i use it while i pvp? everyone else is getting too much xp and cant keep up with gear to be useful. its not removing experience gains which is why its not an exploit. i also have to specific que so i dont get the random bg bonus. i guess thats an exploit also?

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Thats dope.

Heres a video of me killing 40 players in one bunker lmao.


It’s an unintended interaction. Best bet is to report it as a bug and wait the year or so it’ll take for them to look into it.

Depending on Blizzards mood, unintended interactions may or may not be exploits.

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Hahah love it. i miss karraks. my warrior twink was still rocking mop cloak and dual Dw two handers. can’t remember name the drop tentacles. weapons and cloak were 50% of my damg. it was nuts carrying an entire bg like that

I’m still equipping the set I used for it. Such good times.


The Monk and warlock are two different people i have twink monk healer that play with and warlock that both 1 shot people and pocket heal for both them and when we are all 3 playing never loose a BG

It’s exploitative and not intended.

There will be a reckoning but no doubt it’ll be a year late.

if dont like it then make twink and you lvl up past the bracket and never see them… Sooo many feels… and the people who are playing are getting XP btw

They always start the bg with a rebuff that says limited xp.

again they are getting XP!

Not the first 5 minutes.