Twinks in their separate Q's - Don't let them get away with this

Its probably because you legitimately have no life, and have time to waste every time blizzard drops new gear.

As it should be!


Twinking is and always has been a way for those who suck at PvP at high level To be able to PvP at a lower level.

You ask me, make BGs give just enough xp to not get overpowered, and get rid of the XP lock. Get rid of the twinks for good.


You’re actually wrong. My friends and I did some twinking in multiple expansions, although they took it far more seriously than I ever did. I never understood the point of wanting to crap on lower geared players in low level pvp. It felt much like world pvp did and does. It’s not real pvp. It’s just crapping on badly geared players or learning players to make yourself feel better.

Edit: Also, assuming someone’s experience is bad form while presenting an argument.


My Twink for anyone who cares. It was one of the most boring experiences I’ve ever had.


I cannot speak for why others do it but i do it because i do not like the stress of the endgame gear treadmill with things resetting completely every patch. Gear in a bracket has similar value to older expansion endgame equipment like BC/early wrath.

I cannot speak for others. But i would encourage those eager to jump on my back to consider what will happen when you play the game the “wrong” way and blizzard destroys your part of the game.

This will lead to more homogenization and just continue to rot the game inside out.


That’s your response to me asking for help understand what the appeal of twinking is? Definitely shows your character in why the twinking community is not looked upon favorably.


I guess so. What I remember fondly during legion however were the survival hunters, and Disc priest decked out with enough versatility they were a one man army able to hold most teams in the gy racking up massive kills.

This is dumb. No aspect of PvP is bullying, because one must choose to opt into PvP, be that by turning on War Mode or queuing for a Batlteground.


Your way of playing the game is wrecking leveling players experience, who are just using pvp to enjoy the process of leveling.

Why do YOU need players who are nothing more than fodder to enhance your experience is the better question.


Another good point is that world pvp functionally does not exist for low level players. Gear used to be a driving goal in the game. You’d get killed by someone with an epic 2hander or something, and you’d go off on a journey to become that guy.

World PvP has functionally never existed outside of the original vanilla world pvp before BGs were a thing. Outside of that, most of world pvp has been just something that happens and is rarely fair or remotely balanced. It’s just one player getting creamed and running back to their body while the other players laugh at his demise.


I appreciate that you are trying to have an actual conversation as compared to the majority of this forum. I can only speak for myself but the endgame gear treadmill is the biggest turnoff for me in modern wow today.

They could literally hand players BiS so they “Compete” with me. I would still win and I just want to play the game I paid to play

That is simply not true. Go play any “undocumented” server and you’ll see plenty of Wpvp. The often lopsided nature of wpvp is what makes it enticing and infuriating at the same time.

Well, then we fundamentally have a difference of opinion as to what is legit pvp. Slaughtering people in the world when you outnumber or outgear them is about as fun as beating a kid half your age and size at sports then bragging about it.


Anyway, the point is moot. Sorry your game experience was ruined to make others experiences better. I’m outta this conversation you clearly only care about your side of the coin.


The point of this game at all levels is to get gear so your better than you were before. How are you supposed to see progression if everything stays consistent.

This is really the crux of the whole thing. There are fewer twinks than there are other low level players queuing for BGs. As long as that remains the case, keeping twinks out of their brackets is in Blizzard’s interest, as well as theirs.


I cannot speak for the lower level brackets but at 119 a lot of your time is spent doing things like timewalking hoping for warforged drops. Getting a character BiS is your “win” condition. A solo Q BiS character cannot carry a game, at least at the bracket i play in.

Again i can only speak for myself. I appreciate the discussion going on here but please remember this is another subcommunity of the game being squished for not playing the “right” way.

I do not have a 110 twink but i recall there being a controversy about them doing islands recently that was stopped due to blizzard listening. Just because your community isn’t under attack doesn’t mean that this is not dangerous to you and your part of the game.