Twinks are now just leaving BGs early

New thread, looks like Twinks are in Xpon brackets causing alarm.

The ability to gain xp was added in 3.2. Prior to that no xp was awarded.


Not when they have 4-5 toons to cycle through when deserter is on CD for the others.

Why are they trying to alienate players who clearly put a lot of time and effort into their game?


Because twinks are a small minority having fun at the expense of a much larger majority?


If you don’t like dying in pvp related areas
don’t do it?

Do you play/level with warmode on?

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10 chairs.

Do you see how this just seems silly?

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So is it like 1 player having fun at the expense of 5? 10? 15?

Help a brother out.

They should just reintroduce templates or scaling in low-lvl BGs.

Power disparities in PvP suck. The most successful PvP games don’t use them.

I’m fine with dying. If I weren’t, I would’ve quit long ago some time between patch 1.6 and now. Getting curbstomed repeatedly by players who live the bracket when I’m just passing through on the other hand is not as cool.

I level with war mode on, yes, because gankers are surprisingly absent (save for hotspots like HFP). At 120 I play with it on sometimes but if I’m honest there are plenty of evenings when I’m tired and just want to do my emissaries in peace and turn if off.

Twinks evidently don’t have enough numbers to keep the XP-off brackets flowing. XP-on brackets don’t have this problem. Clearly, the XP-off group Is far smaller than the XP-on group.

Exact numbers depend on the game in question, but a well twinked character can easily be crapping all over a 10 or 15 person team if the enemy doesn’t have a matching twink.

In your opinion, which games would these be?

Twinks also don’t have enough numbers for you to complain about running into one more then 1-2 times a night. Seriously, You run into one Twink that walks all over you because you que into a BG at 21/31/41/51/etc and then throw a Hissyfit when all you have to do is wait 3-5 mins before queing again and you’ll never see them again.


Or just go quest for 10-15 minutes.

The fact that the XP is obviously better in BG’s makes me a tad cynical about the massive disaster that twinks are causing.

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But see, Twinks are not the ones causing it.
Twinks were NEVER a problem before EXP was added to BGs.

Blizz added EXP because Whiners complained that they wanted to PVP
but weren’t getting EXP so they had to choose between lvling or PVPing.

Now Leveling Casuals think that BGs are were you go to Lvl up,
But get all Pissy because they can’t hold their own in PVP

I mean, IT’S PVP for crying out loud!

Now we literally have Whiners coming onto the forums,
telling PVPers to “Stay out of BGs” because BGs are for Leveling!!!


They are Leveling Grounds.


They give us back our stuff once released from the brig, I still have my Axes.

This here seems to be the underlying problem.

If questing was batter XP than BG’s we wouldn’t have this issue.

People in BG’s when hitting enter would know what they were signing up for, now if you are trying to get to max level and BG’s are the best option, and you get slowed down by twinks
then there is something very wrong.

Twinks aint’ it.

They are, and were when twinks were there. So quick to level through BGs. I am 88 doing strictly BGs, 3 days played total. Sounds like a lot, but I take breaks and leave my comp on, sat in quite a few queues, 50% winrate (had I won more maybe I’d be higher)