So instead of wanting things to change for the better you want to just float along while they add more rng and rep/time gated content to the game. Sounds fun.
They want to keep it the same so they can out gear their opponents for a win.
Not even limiting it to twinks - talking about gameplay and design in general.
Sounds like you have had enough of this game.
You’re bringing up max level complaints to a low level thread…
Bringing up problems with the game in general. Or did you just want to shoehorn twink problems and ignore the rest?
Maybe you should read what thread you’re in.
Some people struggled with “button bloat”
Just because they didn’t see a reason for using x ability they asked for it to be removed.
Sadly blizz jumped on the opportunity to make the game easier to balance and reduce classes to a few buttons and thus could down size.
Games on its way out, doubt they will want to create more work for them selves now.
We were talking about pvp balance issues and the lack of a toolkit further emphasizes that and you stated;
-they should not provide incentives to bring more of a diverse crowd into pvp
-they should not change things at all, just the same old tired gameplay
They got you hookline and sinker boy. Before the great prune it was as imbalanced as it currently is now - but it was alot more fun and engaging.
No… “we” people in this thread, were talking about twinks… you brought the general gameplay talk and bringing up more incentives (because yea, pvp needs more afkers for rewards)
I never said it was balanced or a better game.
I prefer the old way.
I liked having “useless buffs” for purge protection, I loved taunting mage pets to hit me out of sheep as the Mage was casting.
I loved fearing a locks pet.
Tons of great buttons gone because it was “useless”.
And that was just my pally.
Druid hibernate vs feral, hunter scare beast vs other hunters or ferals.
List could go on for days
If you don’t understand how the lack of any meaningful rewards will cause more people to afk then if there was a system in place with determined progression - we just going to keep running in circles.
And the people who will afk, we don’t want in BGs anyway.
A good pvp reward system would reward people for putting up with slanted comps/premades/twinks and lack of balancing so they would not AFK but stick with it til its over.
Unless you like being down 1 more team members - good luck making a comeback being down people.
Generally if they afk they will refrain from doing bgs after that. Isn’t one of the arguments for not separating queues “Muh average wait time went up hurrdurr”. Yet now you want people to afk because they do not enjoy masochism.
I’ve made more comebacks when the quitters leave. Some BGs there is no comeback from though.
I’d rather actual pvpers be there, whether twink or not. People who will take a whooping and queue back up… that’s just me though.
Thats the problem - due to lazy devs not balancing properly, slanted comps or premades doing the truffle shuffle on your toons face. Its hard to sit thru all that and finish a bg when it is a consistent experience
It shouldn’t be a consistent experience though. I’m a solo queuer in the lower brackets, and it’s hit or miss but generally 50%. Tonight I lost 6 won 2… maybe if I were new I wouldn’t queue back up, but Blizzard can’t help bad teams (and that’s what it was, not twinks)
Well than you are more lucky than most. When I queue its always as if the floodgates have opened on all the fotm pwn crew. Complete with emotes to really show their leet skillz lol.