Twinks, AI and Separate XPoff Queues

so have you tried from the new player perspective no heirlooms and just leveling gear?

Nope. Most players have heirlooms on anyway. I will say at level 36 I am missing 3 pieces still and I have zero enchants/gems.


not an excuse, just try it and you will change your tune, but, alas, you wont…

No excuses here. One experiment at a time.


its not an experiment if if we are all doing it. We all have toons, me more than you even. You will not look at it from the view of a new player, which is my point. You refuse, because it would prove you wrong. But alas, you have already been proven wrong.

Juga is still here fighting the fight, playing the game.
That speaks volumes compared to forum whines. :wink:


Heirlooms are questing gear…

Also, since we’re armory stalking, you are honor level 33 meaning you don’t pvp much.


Well considering how horrible the devs are at balancing pvp do you really expect people to invest time into it? Add twinks and premades to that and you have what Taliesin and Evitel refer to as … a s***show.

Nope, unless they want to. That’s a good thing imo.

Thats the point. To increase the target audience who WANT to participate in pvp by adding incentives; either by balancing classes to allow for a deviation of the meta or fotm specs. Hell even adding a pvp vendor instead of the trash system they have in place now where you cap CP and get the weekly predetermined piece.

If you need incentives, you really don’t WANT to pvp. We get enough with great leveling experience, what more do you really want?

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What great leveling experience??? Some classes/specs do not have enough of a toolkit at low level to be viable for anything other than a punching bag.

Great idea!! Put twinks in the bracket with Ai!

I’m level 40 through just 6 BGs a day (for 8 days)… sure as hell beats questing and dungeons. And yes, I play a non fotm class/spec

So the fact that you are gaining xp in bgs allows you to overlook the balancing issues and the lack of toolkits at low levels? They need to revamp the whole leveling process to integrate the full toolkit at lower brackets of the game.

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Keep dreaming, this will never happen

Classic is soon, get these forums ready.


Many people dream of ways to improve the game. They also come to conclusion it will never happen and decide to unsub and play other games.

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Then let them.

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