Twink Safety Alert

Since there are a lot of posts about this, Blizzard should clarify if anyone is being banned just for twinking. I’m sure they’d say not intentionally since it’s clearly not against any rule, but maybe they actually made a mistake and banned some people who shouldn’t have been?

Some people have claimed they weren’t doing any of the other stuff and were just solo queuing TWing.

In addition to the xp debuff exploit there’s also threads about an exploit for timewalking loot that they may have banned for. Not sure if anyone who was banned would admit to having done that since it was obviously not supposed to work that way.

Yea so if those multi box characters do their own keys whos playing them ?

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Multiboxing (just playing more than one account at the same time) is fine. What’s not allowed is any hardware or software that will help streamline the process to send commands to more than one window at a time, or send commands to an inactive window.

You can still multibox as long as you click or tab between the windows and only send commands to one game instance that is currently the focus window at a time.


You do realize a level 11 can queue by themselves, and the other 4 people in the dungeon they join don’t get an XP debuff. And they can re-queue together infinitely with no XP debuff.

So IMO, I don’t believe the macro is the issue here.

The stigma and memories of playing WSG in the 10-19 bracket from Vanilla to Pre-3.2 has scarred many a player… I suspect the prospect of encountering a Rogue with 1400HP doing the damage of a level 45, then popping the Arena Grandmaster when they are about to die, would do that for many people…

Have you ever pressed alt-tab before, or seen multiple monitors? It’s like you’re purposely not getting it.


I’ll take your word for it. But the question is, is it actually meant to work that way? Or is someone bypassing something blizz doesn’t want you to?

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So basically only boomers…

Curious as to how this works.
In a LFD scenerio, does everyone in the group get an xp debuff just because there is a twink in the party? Or you have to be grouped with the low level before queueing and only those in the party pre-queue will get the debuff?

I think you’re the one who’s not understanding what they are saying, this sums it up quite clearly to me

That would fall under automation/steamlining.

If Blizzard would only say something… But as I said, the entire intent of the XP debuff for party members is silly given you can do the exact same thing with a level 20 (trial account) or 70 (no TWW) as neither of these cases require disabling XP, and it also doesn’t penalize random players if they get grouped with the person with XP disabled.

Dungeons aren’t xp locked

I’m just guessing here, but I imagine that you’re not supposed to get the debuff if you end up with them in LFD randomly, only if you queue with them, but that people are timing the queues or doing leave-join-leave etc. workarounds to get with the person boosting them and that’s being seen as an exploit.

Because of twinking? Or

because that’s an exploit, 100%

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It’s the latter. A player with XP disabled can queue and have no effect on the rest of the party. But if you queue with them in a party, you get the debuff as well.

And read what I said that he quoted…

If the bans are related to the xp debuff it’s fair to point out that the xp debuff is incredibly stupid since it doesn’t apply to random players.

It doesn’t affect me if that’s what it is since I don’t sell runs but it’s just a bad design concept in the first place.


Agreed, as I’ve said you can just as easily do it with a level 20 on a trial account or level 70 on an account that didn’t purchase TWW. It’s a silly limitation in the first place.

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they are an abomination taht should be punished without leniency or mercy.

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Agreed. It was one of those situations where blizzard fixed a temporary problem with a permanent and ill-conceived solution.

The xp off debuff arrived in response to DH players selling Freehold runs. Which was about all people did during BfA.

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