I’m so bored and having run time-walking with a few they seem to be having a blast.
It won’t take much to get to level 11. That I can do easy. Is there a guide or something about bis gear for them or will any green gear work? Are there items or gear that thinks farm for a perma 11 twink?
Not sure on guides, but you want the max sockets possible. I believe mop crafted pvp gear was recommended since it has a lot.
Amnesia Df neck is recommended. Then get the 3 tiers of jc settings to add sockets.
Dragonling engineer trinket is another. 2x lifestealing weapon enchants is the bread and butter and full str gems and any stat to gear enchants you can find.
Look up beti’s twink guide.
Its not perfect (recommends mastery on a healing spec on a twink over haste lmao), but it covers the vast majority of questions you’ll have.
You can ignore most wildcard and tanaan items in the gear section. Mostly gonna be tbc socket gear (maybe wotlk for a couple slots for mail), necrotic wake rings to add TWW sockets, DF neck to add DF sockets, and timewalking for weapons and any missing slots.
Plate and Leather have some tbc quest item(s) for sockets as well. Cloth and mail do not.
Trinkets for strength are just gonna be whatever solid timewalking trinkets you can get usually. Int uses balefire branch from BfA.
Enchants are pretty straightforward. Make sure you double lifestealing for warrior.
Gems will be 3 str or 2 str / 2 haste for warrior. Tooltips are bullcrap make sure its not giving you less.
Just copy what I have and you’re good to go. I’m not 100% BIS, but it’s not needed. I blast through everything super easy with this.
Will take you about 2 hours of farming to get everything you need.
Had one today, 11 mechagnome fury. Oh … super duper fast! I have no real desire to do it but I did look them up on the armory. Gemmed, Enchanted etc I think they’re pretty cool and I do enjoy getting them in my queues for my 5.
I would say equip all looms and your good, maybe some enchants
The TBC socket stuff. Insane power gains.
At this point they should just turn all the normal dungeons into legacy twink play grounds. More fun than whatever they’re trying to do currently with dungeons, if they’re even doing anything.
Anyone have an 11 Monk they do this with? Am I still after BC stuff with that?
No, looms are not good for twinking. Outside of the trinkets (and even the trinkets are pretty bad), you don’t want to use any looms at all.
Yep, BC stuff for all (10s bracket) twinks for the main armor slots that have sockets.
You go Mistweaver, use a 2H, and still use Lifestealing.
Leather has a socketed helmet and boots from Zangarmarsh questing. ilvl 25 if it doesn’t proc an upgrade but it’s irrelevant because of the sockets. One is like 11 quests into a chain, the other is like 43 quests into the chain but you can skip most of it and do like 3 more quests after the first 11 to get there.
Not kitted out fully yet but check the Druid for the helm and boots, can look those up on wowhead for quest names and such.
Full Timewalking gear also works for all of this btw. All the various expansion stuff to chase more gem sockets is BiS but it’s not THAT much stronger than a full Timewalking setup. I figure if I’m gonna do it I’m gonna do what I can to make it as strong as possible but you might not feel that way, idk.
Good suggestions.
If you’re interested in the rabbit-hole of theory crafting XPoff has done it for years and Timewalking discord basically has become a glorified twink’ing discord because TW optimisation is otherwise dead.
How is XpOff these days btw?
For the short time I frequented it, like 90% of the 10s bracket stuff was covered by 1 person, and at some point that person pulled out of XpOff (including removing their guides) and made a Discord. These day’s its more Beti for guide stuff but I never felt the need to go back and poke at the website.
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having ran with a lot of these twink warriors, I do find that the Dracthyr ones seem to be having more fun and more nimble. Do they have a racial? They just fly fly fly…
Dracthyr have the same sort of Glide thing going on as Demon Hunters. It’s slightly reduced for non-Evoker Dracthyr but it’s still there.
Spamming jump to repeatedly trigger the glide boost and then cancel it immediately is MUCH faster than just running.
Though I’m not sure it’s relevant when you’re on a twink warrior with like 160% baseline movement speed + another 30% like 99% of the time because of War Machine. I feel like with all that the glide boost ends up slower than just running? Would have to test.
I’ll be real i got kinda upset after that happened. I haven’t been back since but they resources was good.
Was it the same person that made the website/pdfs on BiS for each class?
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Not 100% sure but probably. They had their XpOff guides in a google doc that they shared on the discord for awhile, and a WIP website putting stuff back up on it, but I kind of fell off for awhile and at the time the website was very much not done, and when I came back everyone just links to beti’s guide instead.
I’m like 80% sure if I name dropped you’d say “yeah it’s them” but I probably shouldn’t do that lol.
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Like Ventorath said, Beti’s guide will cover you most of the way.
Most importantly though, if you’re gonna go for getting stuff out of SL, you can skip the Maw intro, but DON’T skip the campaign, do the breadcrumb quests until it sends you to Bastion.
If you skip the campaign even when/if you’re doing the dungeons at level 11, you’ll be looting req lvl 50, ilvl 252 stuff.
If you end up in this boat for whatever reason, others can still trade you the rings at the appropriate level/ilvl.
Discord username is:
if anyone needs help with that. I’d link btag but honestly it’s just easier to get in touch via discord then hop on the game if that’s happening.
And the Discord I use for Twink stuff is this one, can also poke around in there for help:
So I need to make an 11 warrior and lock the level and lock the xp. To target gear in different expansions do I use chromie time? That’s new to me
Yeah. I don’t think it’s a requirement but they did some weird stuff with the portals at low levels so being in the appropriate Chromie Timeline makes them usable based on said Timeline.
You can queue for the dungeons but it’s often going to be faster to walk there yourself and spam farm / reset specific dungeons.
I tend to queue as DPS and solo between queues because I don’t like to be alone all the time but I also want to be at least somewhat efficient. Which can mean resetting after the 2nd boss or 1st boss or whatever you’re actually looking for.
(and obviously the timewalking stuff will be queued)
Loot spec to Arms btw, so you don’t get one handers as Fury. Check loot tables per boss to see if Prot makes more sense on an individual boss (say, one that drops a 2H you don’t need but it has a chestpiece you do need).
I tend to start out with timewalking spam personally. Gets some baseline gear rolling even if you won’t keep it all. But Warrior is strong enough because of lifestealing that you don’t NEED to do that. You’ll want weapons from it though.