Ah, also, before you go - make sure you keep your experience at level 11 below 25%.
If you hit 25% it scales as if you are 12, which means worse performance.
So don’t complete a LFD dungeon as your means of leveling from 10 to 11 lol.
Ah, also, before you go - make sure you keep your experience at level 11 below 25%.
If you hit 25% it scales as if you are 12, which means worse performance.
So don’t complete a LFD dungeon as your means of leveling from 10 to 11 lol.
Bad advice… thats “i haven’t even started” advice.
Looms are ivl 18 at lvl 11 with the stats to show for it… a proper lvl 11 Fury Warrior either has ilvl 30 gear with gem sockets or ivl 60 gear without sockets.
Ill link my build for the OP soon.
Thank you!
Use the top nav bar
The link here is for my lvl 11 Fury Warrior… he’s pretty much BiS for everything (if not, it’s certainly debatable). He destroys everything with a passion.
Robotwink’s Build (Sargeras)
Here’s a YouTube starter guide that is pretty good as well
Beginner Twink Guide
You can look-up anything on Robotwink-Sargeras on WoWHead to see where it comes from… for the most part, you’re either going to farm gear from Chromie Time in the appropriate expansion (mostly TBC) or you’re going to get gear from doing Timewalking dungeons.
The TBC dungeons will give you lvl 30 gear with multiple gem sockets, you’ll need this to get your self heals and speed boosts, along with an edge on Strength gems… the rest of your gear from Timewalking will give you high-stat gear at ilvl 60 for slots you either can’t get in TBC and/or sometimes its just overall better once you get the basics covered (I deliberately skipped one or two poorly-stated TBC socketed gear in favor of an extra piece or two of ilvl 60 gear). You’re really min-maxing at this point… as long as you get your basics covered (full health regen and speed gems) you’re mostly good to go.
You do want to maximize Strength gemming (usually either +3 Str or +2 Str/+2 Haste gems), but 2ndary stats are sill important and should not be ignored.
The main stats you want to pay attention to are your soft haste cap, and doing what you can to increase Crit and Vers… Mastery is useless to a twink and should be avoided at all costs… it’s a waste of your stat budget.
Personally, I try for the following on 2ndary stats:
Haste to 23.5% (23% or 24% is fine)… this maximizes your Whirlwind CD
Crit to around 20% (if possible) this is a fine stat to have twinking
Vers to around 10% (or more) as Vers increases damage and healing, also boosts your Lifestealing.
Speaking of Lifestealing, you want to double-enchant your two weapons with Lifestealing, both for the damage and the health regen.
Your weapons should be any of the ilvl-60 2H 6-Strength, 9-Stam, 13-secondary stat weapons you can get from Timewalking. The secondary stats don’t matter so much, so long as they work towards your Haste/Crit/Vers goals above… the only weapon I wouldn’t bother with are the ones that have Mastery on them (blech!!!). Don’t fall for the people telling you to farm a couple of Hatebringers for the gem sockets… they look sexy, but the damage they put out is incredibly weak and not overcome by the Str Gems… had them… simmed them… tried them out… just not as good as ilvl 60 TW weapons.
If you’re super-duper twinking, you can go for the weapons I have on Robotwink, they have extra procs that work amazing in TW, but you can only get them during Classic TW, and we won’t be seeing that again for awhile!
Make level 11 Fury warrior.
Queue up as tank.
Faceroll dungeon.
It’s not complicated.
It’s fine as an offhand, it’s like a 0.5%-1% difference in a situation where you’re already killing mobs in like 2-3 whirlwinds.
Mainhand should 100% be a timewalking weapon though, and if you get a 2nd one that isn’t a proc stick or mastery, then yep, it’s better in the offhand, just not a big deal is all.
Not saying anyone should FARM for it anymore, but if they get it before a 2nd TW 2H while farming gem socket armor or something, 100% worth using and will be perfectly serviceable as an offhand until they get a technically better drop.
That’ll be more relevant when the timewalking event ends so people actually have waiting periods to be able to farm TW.
Step 1: Farm Timewalking to get ilvl 60 weapons, which you enchant with Lifestealing, and ilvl 60 Boots/Bracers. This will already make you immortal in at-level content. You can also loot the 2H Mace from the 2nd boss in Underbog as a substitute for these ilvl 60 weapons.
Step 1.5: Go to WoD Chromie Time and pick up Greka’s Dentures in Shadowmoon Valley. This trinket is godlike. There are a few other at-level trinkets that own from this zone and Frostfire. ALSO, go to Dragonflight, fly to Azure Span, and get the Neck from the rare near Azure Vault (Amnesia), put three sockets on it with DF’s Tiered Medallion Settings, and put the Speed gem and one other SL gem (the health regen one) in there, alongside one of the other +2 stat SL gems.
Step 2: Farm Underbog and Hellfire Ramparts until you get all the sockets you need from there.
Step 3: Farm Utgarde Keep until you get the helmet from the 2nd boss.
You are already immortal in at-level content at this point until you get stunned.
Step 4: Farm out Necrotic Wake rings for now.
This is where MASSIVE degenerate farming comes into play.
Step 5: Level Northrend and Pandaria Leatherworking, and enchant your Legs/Shoulders with those enchants.
Step 6: Farm out the Mechagon zone rings which drop at ilvl 70 and are wicked good.
Step 7: Farm 160 TBC Apexis Crystals to get the +12 crit Meta gem from Blade’s Edge Mountains. Probably don’t do this as it’s absolutely insane.
Well, XP off is a good site to refer to for building your low level character. When farming, just toss a coin to the gods for quick drops. Some items on this guy took a bit and the gold cost spent on the gems were a bit, but having a few million gold helps.
Best of Luck and Have Fun!
Hah! Hi Robo.
I actually had your armory up and was trying to match you over the last week, and now all I have left is to get the TW pieces, got all the rest I can to match you, though random drops would definitely upgrade the other slots.
Although I still have no idea how you got a +2 str on gloves, mine only gave me +1, lol.
Hate currently having two Hatebrigers w/ str gems, but for the moment it’s what I have to go with.
More or less on the same page as you, just clarifying that some people say the Hatebringers are BiS and you should focus farming them… what I am saying is two-fold… they are NOT BiS, and they are NOT something I would waste time focus farming.
That they are serviceable, yes… they can do the job until you get something better… they are better than say the advice of “just use your Heirlooms and you’re good to go”.
I’d say there’s three categories of 11 Fury Warrior Twink weapons:
I had a long discussion with someone knowledgeable on twinks on the BiS weapon category for 11 Fury Warrior Twinks… it kinda boiled down to “is it worth the time to farm-X” Imho, just farm Timewalking (when available)… getting ANY ivl 60 2H 6-Str, 9-Stam, 13-secondary stat weapon isn’t that hard to do… it’s just getting a SPECIFIC 2H weapon from TW that can be hard (like the Runeblade of the Baron).
Right now, i’d say put the time into getting ANY of those 2H ilvl 60 TW weapons while you can… if/when Timewalking isn’t available if you still have no weapons, then ya, sure Hatebringer is better than nothing.
So much good advice thank you gonna level my toon tonight! Twink time lol
You’ll do 2mil dps with just heirlooms.
4mil with blues
Hi Vroom!
Ya, looks like you’re doing pretty good with the farming… looks like you’re trying hard to match my build! You even got super-duper-lucky and got the Circle Stalwart Helmet to proc Legendary… I thought I was lucky to get it to proc Rare… most people have it in Green!
I see you’re still using an Heirloom trink… I got Vigilance Charm just before Classic TW ended, its’ great but you wont see it again for awhile… so here’s some options to replace your trinket slot… i’ve either used these myself in the past, or think they’re great options:
Rezan’s Gleaming Eye (lvl 30, farm from Atal’Dazar dungeon, BfA)
Hunger of the Pack (lvl 30, farm from Halls of Valor dungeon, Legion)
Bonus for either of the above if you can get lvl 60 TW versions of them
Gruuk’s Evil Eye (lvl 30 drop from rare in Draenor)
There are a few Trinkets (lvl 60) from TW that are worth it, each expansion usually has one or two that are good for twinks (except BC TW, oddly enough, no good trinks).
On enchants, this is my list of enchants on Robotwink:
Weapon - Lifesteal
Neck - Mark of the Hidden Satyr
Cloak - Minor Power
Chest - Glorious Stats
Bracer - Superior Strength
Gloves - Exceptional Strength
Ring - Accord of (Haste/Crit/Vers)
Boots - Minor Speed
Legs - Draconic Leg Reinforcements (Pandaria LW)
Belt - Nitro Boosts (Northrend Eng)
Gems I use:
Revitalizing Jewel Doublet x1 (to give health restore)
Straddling Jewel Doublet x1 (to give speed boost)
Quick Jewel Cluster x2
Versatile Jewel Cluster x2
The above jems from Shadowlands will give you max health and speed
All other Gems, I use a combination of the following, depending on my goals for stats:
Bold Crimson Spinel (Best Str-only Gem)
Fierce Ametrine (Str/Haste)
Etched Dreadstone (Str/Crit)
Good luck on your build!
Wait. That’s a thing? I knew quest rewards could prod blue or purple but orange?
Oh sorry, I misquoted… normally the quest is Green (Uncommon), I got lucky with a Blue (Rare) proc, and he got lucky with a purple (Epic) proc… didn’t mean to say Legendary.
I’ll be honest. Watching the lvl 11 twinks in TW kinda makes me want to tank in TW lfg again.
I’m my own worst enemy in this regard. I’ll make the character and then think to myself what’s this character’s purpose. It’s another set of reps I “have” to max, as a completionist. Hence why I prefer to stick to just the one character.
One time chance to do that quest? Mine procced green
One chance and one chance only. Yours didn’t proc at all… Green is the normal.