By that logic the entire game is optional. You’re free to not play at all. Being a clown ain’t no way to be, son.
There’s also lots of other versions of the game. If you want basic no mechanics, Era exists. I’m sorry that you are boring.
are the buffs that big of deal? 3 of us forgot and dungeons went by fine lol.
i’m not a huge fan of m+ but i still say wrath did it better and it was boring af to me too
here literally just…get a buff u dont rly need and kill some blobs once or twice a boss.
that’s all there is to it lol. just not that fun but w/e. bring in lfr pls.
- no Hurricane HD trailer for last raid of this expansion
- only one mechanic and only of a raid boss Unlike the last WotLK rune where it VARIES depending on the dungeon with its thematic state making it the weakest development of rune dungeons that has been done so far.
- no Simple guides, no details of the game, all of that makes it so that he didn’t care at all about the closure of this expansion.
- The release with the new P2W microtransaction, new MoP mount and the arrival date of the next classic expansion makes me want to forget what happened with this expansion.
I really don’t defend the expansion, I admit it’s bad and underrated, but apart from the fact that it’s not worse than Shadowlands, WoD and Dragonflight, it should maintain respect for each root of the MMO, it doesn’t matter if the expansion was bad or good, the thing is that it was a lack of respect for the classic servers and something that they don’t care about at all about the quality of the MMO.
As for the Oozes, it’s arbitrary and I don’t know which is the Dark, Green or Red where the forgeten ones come out as adds and target the healers, making us have a wipe worse than the Mana void or the acids they expel.
Well you don’t need the buff… but why say no to 200% haste.
Small tip: press V on your keyboard ingame
A few of the bosses they do just kind of bug… others they do happen at really bad times… all mostly signs of serious lack of testing and feedback which is just how development for Cata is handled. At this point its just expected.
The blobs really aren’t that bad though outside of those 2 situations that are far rarer than they are common. One even moderate DPS can just blast them to pieces and if that one just moderate DPS happens to just target black or blue if no black as a baseline then its just a cake walk.
Because of the buffs most the trash just gets smashed. So in general they are quicker and will only get quicker as more gear goes out into the community. Bosses really aren’t that bad either. The buff and add kiss curse actually works pretty well… again… outside of those like 4-5 bosses it bugs or just happens at bad times when the whole group is stunned or whatever other reason they bug.
Of course right now you are having a lot of fairly decent players running them because of upgrades. In a week or two once those characters and the alts of those players starts to thin you will have a more real picture of them. Just don’t expect anything to really change with them though. Cata is abandonware to this dev team a couple weeks after it hits live servers which is really the 2 week beta of the product.
I’ve been healing them and it’s really only the mana orb thing that I hate, the others I hardly notice.
i honestly forget lol
the ball it makes has like no health now it instantly evaporates, the only problem is if the healer is like 30 yards away from the boss then they won’t get their mana back
and if it’s killed too quickly it bugs out
THIS right here. I was jumping on that thing the moment it spawned like a good player should, but it was actually resulting in no mana back for anyone including myself standing right on top of it.
Mana voids still need to be fixed, some boss’s need the hp of globs reduced or just outright spawn fewer globs COUGH LORD WALDEN COUGH
Yeah we wiped on Walden today in my group. Ran back and discovered the reason, the mana void fell through the floor and was down in the area below the boss as we ran back. Then got back to the boss to find another mana void and faceless ones still alive in the room with him. Fun times