Twilight Protocols are so unfun

I just joined a Twilight Protocol for the first time today, and we got Tol’vir. The boss was so wacky at times.

I’m not even full BiS, but I had most of the Normal FL’s gear. My Ilvl is over 370, and these require what, 350 something to get in? Even though I’m probably close to 20 ilvls over the minimum, these still whooped my party’s butt.

My issue is that it seems like the blob mechanic doesn’t change per boss, it just happens every 40 seconds or so, and on some fights, it makes it frustrating. If they spawn at the wrong time, it’s a wipe.

I mean this in the nicest possible way, but were these even tested? Some of the mechanics and fights are insanely overtuned. Please, please, please look at the numbers again and nerf some the mechanics/numbers.

I don’t mind a challenge, but this doesn’t even feel challenging, it just feels really cheap and unfun to do them.


I was hoping since the wrath catch up dungeons were the best they ever were last phase that they would learn this time, but I guess not. HoL/HoS was the right way to do it but the intern creating these must not have done those

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Once people start figuring out the oozes it’ll even out. A large part of the problem is people either ignore the oozes, or don’t know their mechanics. Priority order is Dark > Cobalt > Amber

I’ve actually found Lost City to be the easiest dungeon so far, but both times I’ve run it the groups I was in had the oozes on lock. There definitely are some bosses in some dungeons that do not play well with the whole mechanic

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The last boss in Lost City is pretty hard, since you can’t kite him and the globs spawn really close. Part of the issue for us though was bad management of the globs. We had a group member who said dark was first (Which is good) but then Glowing was second. Except the red glob was doing about 30-40% of our entire damage taken, and the only dps who focused on the mana void when it spawned was me spamming scorch praying for a crit. I mentioned that maybe doing blue or red instead of glowing might help, I got flamed for doing trash damage (since I had zero mana for about 40% of the fight), and got kicked. I was talking to the healer after and asked how they finally beat it. Apparently they swapped to red glob and finished. Who knew?

So yeah, there’s going to be a learning curve for these.


Yep. And it doesn’t help that people are being super toxic. We had someone in the group that started cussing at us because we wiped a few times. I mean, the dungeons have only been out for a day.

It just seems like some bosses might be harder than others. But for sure these still feel a little overtuned.

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im not even gonna do them till the nerf them ill happly do the three new heroics every day and log out


They were not, just like titan runes were not tested in WotLK. Otherwise they would have realized healing blood pools under a boss that doesn’t move is a bad idea. Or frost patches that deal stacking damage and a boss with a 7 second stun is a bad idea.

At least when gammas came out in WotLK, you could run FoS and ignore every other dungeon.


Red does more damage the further you are from the boss. It’s basically a toss up between that or Amber for 3rd prio, but Dark and Cobalt are definitely over the others so any group ignoring Cobalt, unless Dark is there, is just trolling their healer


So Red is the lava beam, right? And Dark is adds? I know Cobalt is Mana burn, but I still don’t know what all the colors do.


Dark = adds (just never deal with them)

Cobalt = mana drain (kill orb to return all mana split evenly)

Crimson = lava beam (stand closer to the boss to reduce damage)

Acidic = acid spit (spread out)

Glowing = increase boss attack speed

Shadowed = healing minigame (25 second debuff, after receiving 5 heals or absorbs deal shadow damage to all players)

You always want to kill Dark if it’s up, otherwise Cobalt. If neither of those are up, then it’s more or less a toss-up between Crimson or Glowing depending on your party (melee heavy naturally makes Crimson a non-issue). Acidic can be annoying but its damage is fairly low, and Shadowed is basically just a freebie because even if an explosion goes off it’s not that much damage, and if your healer is healing multiple people 5 times within 25 seconds then there’s other problems going on

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Thank you! This’ll help improve :slight_smile:

still don’t get why people think killing a few extra adds is harder than suddenly having 0 mana. the adds just get cleaved down and add nothing extra to the fight

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Because they fixate on random players and are difficult to control vs just not dealing with them and only needing to blow up one low health target

I guess I can see that being an issue if you’re running 3 casters…

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Additionally, applying a HoT to someone only adds a stack on initial cast, and some heals (like Healing Rain) don’t add a stack at all.

It’s pretty easy to work around.

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It’s a bit clunky but I’m having more fun with it than infernos.
You have ample time to kill them if your dps target them as soon as they spawn but like infernos if you’re bringing low dps you will have a harder time. I’d say 20k dps minimum (with buff) is around what I expect in twillight dungeons else you’re gonna have a bad time.

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prolly depends on the group set up. heavy casters plus your healer, might want to zero in on getting the mp back lol

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Dark>cobalt unless mana heavy group.

If you are mostly casters, cobalt>dark.

After that it is a toss up based on the fight.

Example if there is a lot of aoe damage already you may want to kill acid to be able to stack and heal through everything. If you need to spread crimson. If boss hits hard radiant.

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it was hard before the nerfs. Now they die within 5 seconds of spawning

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Yeah… This is pretty much why none of my friends will play the game. Any time they’ve had to PuG it’s been a poop show because of all the sweaty trihards that couldn’t cut it in modern wow. It’s very sad the level of hostility these folks have.


Next time I queue and I get Deadmines, I’m just leaving.

The last 4 bosses are a nightmare even in 380+ gear.

This just isn’t worth the struggle.

It’s not fun and I have yet to beat a deadmines post patch.

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