TW Badge Daylight Toy Needs a Buff

Hey forum users I have two amazing toys added in 8.2 to show you!..Well one amazing toy and one very typical toy. Can you only play during the day and wish to experience the World of Warcraft at night ? Or are you only able to play during the night and wish to see the world under the shining sun? Well if its the first one your friends at Blizz have you covered, and if it is the latter? Too bad :cry:

Jar of Sunwarmed Sand - This toy makes the world appear to you as though it were midday. Purchased for 1,000 Timewarped Badges from Otela in Caverns of Time it has a two hour duration, does not persist through death, and a 24 Hour Cooldown !

Shadescale - The opposite of the above toy, this one makes the world appear as though it were midnight. Dropped by Shassera in Nazjatar it has a two hour duration, does not persist through death, and has a 1 Hour Cooldown !

TL;DR: two toys with similar but opposite effects have two radically different cooldowns.


Blizz hates us Aussies. It’s the spiders and snakes, I’m sure of it! :disappointed_relieved:


I would also love to see a shorter CD on the Sunwarmed toy. Those of us who work third shift also miss seeing the sun in Azeroth!


So what. If you aren’t happy with the cd on the first one just don’t buy it. I don’t see the problem - they all don’t have to have identifical cd do they ?

One is an RNG drop and one is a guaranteed vendor purchase, they are different that way too. Want to complain about that ?

Because it’s the only way some people in the Northern Hemisphere, and most people in the Southern Hemisphere, get to play during day time, for two hours, then we have to wait 24 hours to play in the sun again… for two more hours.

Other than being an Aussie and always playing in darkness, I have astigmatism, so it’s more difficult for me to see the darker palette, and I miss the beautiful daylight colours. :confused:


I play 3am a lot of times. I have no idea where you are getting that screenshot from but my game never looks like that.

And anyone posting right now really can’t claim they can’t play in the daytime since you are posting in the daytime…

Who peed in your Cheerios?

Oceanic people have asked for a way to play in the daylight for over a decade. Blizzard finally adds a toy that allows this and it has a overly restrictive cooldown, especially considering that there’s the precedent now of a similar toy with a much more reasonable cooldown. People would like the cooldown of the second to be applied to the first.

This isn’t hard to understand and does not warrant your level of hostility.


I don’t think all toys need to have the same cooldown. Again if you are posting now, this isn’t an issue for you anyway.

Yes, it needs a shorter cooldown. Alternatively, since Shadescale is based on the Inky Black Potion effect, create the potion form of the Jar of Sunwarmed Sand and have them both on the same vendor.


I live in Texas, this is not an issue for me. I’m just capable of empathy and see no reason why this should not be changed since it’s a major game quality issue for some people.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?


Because I play the exact same time of day as oceanic and it really just isn’t an issue. The games lighting never make things pitch dark.

for you. Is how that sentence ends.

Remember that empathy thing?


Texas as well, only get to play at night during the weekdays. Gonna see if I have an alt with enough badges for the toy. Maybe a brighter in game effect will make me stay awake longer to play more lol.

I have no empathy when people who are currently posting claim they can’t play during the day time yet they are posting during the day time. When people have made claims they have to play in pitch dark all the time. When people post screens shots that must have been altered because my game never looks that way.

Sorry when people aren’t honest, I lose all capacity for empathy.

At what point did I insinuate that all toys needed to have the same cooldown? I simply said that it would be nice if one didn’t arbitrarily have a ludicrous cooldown compared to it’s counterpart.


What is lunch time at work for 100, Alex.


I’m posting right now. I cannot play right now. There are many possibilities that can create that outcome. Just because you cannot grasp that, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


A re-balancing on a toy’s cooldown would affect you in no way and would make other people’s gaming experience better. Arguing against this for the sake of argument makes you a garbage human being and I sincerely doubt you ever had any empathy to begin with.


Honestly, these should be a feature of the game client, not toys. Players should have the ability to either have the game sync to the server time, or their local time for day/night cycle, built into the game options. I mean having the toys is fine also, but they should be for people who want to go outside a functional cycle.


Mine does. And my night vision sucks. So that toy is amazing for me. And the cooldown wouldn’t be such an issue if that toy persisted through death.

Are you serious right now? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Some of us run errands right now and then sleep for third shift. I post while doing chores, taking care of family, then I have to go to bed.

So no, this is false.

Exactly this.

You’re not everyone. Stop acting like you are and that your opinion is definitive fact as to how it should be for everyone.

We can use mobile devices to post and are not on our computers or in a place where it’s possible to game. Good lord, why is that so difficult for you??

Oh I see. So because your graphics don’t look the same, we’re all lying?! My screen always looks like that at night. Always.

You aren’t everyone. Nor are your graphics.

Yes this! It should be an accessibility option.