Tusks of mannoroth farming

Is it possible to use sharing raid lockout on heroic difficulty while using bonus rolls after clearing him the first time without wasting the seals?

Farming the Tusk’s… Lol!!!

You know how many years I’ve been at it? How many bonus rolls…


Don’t waste your time brother. You’re in for heartache.

Personally I don’t believe they are in game still.

Edit: plus you’re a human. They only belong on an Orc :wink:


They don’t actually drop all the people you see with them on are blizz employees trolling you to think they actually do. Lol Good luck with your farming lad.


Dude has over 6k Garrosh mythic kills. Never seen the Tusk’s or the mount.


Are they really that rare? damn

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I was convinced the the Blazing Drake didn’t exist. It finally dropped a few months back and I finished that awake the drakes achievement.

There is always hope.


0.00001% chance

It just barely dropped for me after making this thread. Thanks anyway for the information guys. My alt’s name is Lokkar who’s currently wearing them(orc warrior from Uther)


I’d say a few things to you… But I don’t want a forum vacation.


The last time I went for them and they didn’t drop I got up to get more coffee My older daughter naturally jumps in my seat and starts messing around and then started screaming that we got them because after Garrosh gets dragged away in irons his shoulders are laying on the floor. She then spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to pick them up.


If you want the Tusks to drop you have to have an absurd name with an already clown-like transmog. Run an orc with the white Doc Brown hair style and name it something like Pee-Wee Thurman. I swear the only people I’ve seen with that Transmog look like clowns with ridiculous names.


Christ almighty.

Let your suffering end.

I was going to start farming them today. This made me nope out.


That’s an interesting piece of luck. Next time I want something to drop I’ll post about it before I run.

By the way, anyone know if Invincible still drops? I’ve ran that 300+ times and there is no indication that Arthas drops anything other than weapons and tier tokens.


There is an invincible thread up.

Still drops. Dropped for me in Legion, dropped for someone last month.

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Shhhh! I’m trying to seed my luck with the goddess RNG.

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I don’t even run Soo anymore, it just takes too long. I use to run it on my hunter, rogue, warrior, and paladin once a week. I never got the mount to drop but the shoulders dropped twice on my hunter. I still keep them in my bank hoping one day blizz makes all transmorg drops account bound even if it is for a class that cant use the item.


It’s not long if you run it on the shared lockout system on heroic difficulty.

I always wondered what they would look like on a green orc since i only ever see them on brown orcs. Now i know why.

They just look wrong.

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Fun fact: I got the Tusks of Mannoroth in this toon :smiley:


Pretty sure OP got the tusks then made this thread to brag about it

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