Tuskarr - Playable race

Their old model looks way better. I hope we dont get to play tuskarr now because the new model is bad… gnolls however yes please.

Only if we get gnolls too.

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Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Mage, Shaman, Monk and Death Knight

Lol wut? Its just an HD upgrade with more customization options LOL

No its not. Its pretty ugly compared to the old model.

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It is though.

Unlike Northrend Tuskars and Dragon Isles Tuskars, it can be fitted with a helmet and other accessories.

I leave a motivating video of dragon flight explaining all the maps and local races of the dragon islands, it is in Latin, put subtitles in English, comment if you liked it.
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Why the “only if”? :thinking:


What would you say is the main difference that you do not like?

They can make it work for Tuskarr as well.

they will have a walrus island and polar bears will be the mount


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That would be…


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nope it would be themed