Turtle time!

I’d be willing to bet that struggled with the “analogy, metaphor and synonym” assignments in grade school.

The devs verify it publicly from time to time when someone comes here to the forums to whine about a ban.

It is literally 100% IMPOSSIBLE to decipher between “defending the tower” and “Defending the tower under the guise of being afk” They are literally one and the same. There isn’t a single person at blizzard or on the planet, that can read someone’s mind to tell the difference. Unless someone from the opposing faction has come to backcap the tower/bunker, then literally everyone is afk at the damn thing DEFENDING it. lmao? This guy, talking to me about grade school. Holy…

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They can pull your combat logs. It’s not rocket science.

Anyone who was remotely successful in grade school can figure this out.

Would a hug help, friend?

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fight av is the best.

it is way more fun than base race.


Just type /afk to leave the game.

than maybe you don’t have time for av.

This is NOT a reportable thing. You should be banned though for encouraging false reporting.

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Combat logs aren’t relevant to whether or not you’re “AFK defending” or “actually defending”. Are you being intentionally obtuse?

No, you are.

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So, you ARE trolling with the extremely intelligent “no u” Comeback. It’s cute, and now I’m done and you’re ignored indefinitely. Cheers.

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Press X for doubt.


Ahh, did not see sorry. Lots of posts etc. That is very odd…

Personally I think all the mobs should get progressively stronger as you get deeper in. You rush the main base? All those mobs have a 300% damage buff if you haven’t burned the towers before it, and have CC abilities. Make people fight for those objectives.

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Got into a couple of games with a 5 man Bene group that defended Bal. Winning in 20 minutes with 1600 honor and a ton of PvP is pretty nice. Long live the turtle.

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You’re assuming a few things and have some things wrong.

You’re assuming Horde is winning for one, and burning more than 2 bunkers. 2 Bunker burn win is roughly 500 honor.

More often than not horde loses for somewhere between 250-500 honor in 9 minutes.

In all the turtles I’ve been in, none lasted longer than 30 minutes and tended to be closer to 23-24 minutes, with me getting ~1800ish honor, not 1400.

So actually, a 24 minute turtle for 1800 honor is better than losing 3 times in 27 minutes. A lot more fun too.

If you’re getting low honor in a turtle you ain’t killin.

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i just don’t understand how anyone can actually enjoy “pvping” in AV, its absolutely miserable unless maybe you’re a caster

I have done this.
They are afk when I burst in to blast them with the power of wind, fire, all that kind of thing so I report them.
Then kill them and take their heads uh for reasons.
Just witch doctor things.


If you have some healers at your back, being a melee and pushing the front line is incredibly fun. I have equally as much fun being the healer keeping a warrior alive as he bashes through the entire raid.

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Av is 1000x better when players actually PVP.

Bring on the field of strife mayhem!

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