Turalyon Weekend Guilds

I am lazy so just linking the other post so you guys can help bump it. You’re welcome to bump with your own guild spam as well, idc. If your guild is missing, please let me know. I lost my old list that was on the old forums of all the guilds. = /


Awesome! Thanks Sieara!


Need some people yo!

Legend (Weekend): Cutting Edge
Saturday & Sunday 9pm-12am EST
Application: https://goo.gl/PGqh9r

Warsong: Mythic/Cutting Edge
Saturday & Sunday 1pm-4pm EST
Application: https://warsong-turalyon.wixsite.com/guild/application

Synthesis (Weekend): Cutting Edge
Friday & Saturday 10pm-1am EST
Application: https://goo.gl/forms/OIUuueeL75EtaFT43

Occasional Excellence (Weekend): Mythic/Cutting Edge
Friday 8pm-12am EST & Sunday 7pm-10pm EST
Application: http://occasional-excellence.us/

Duplicity: Mythic/Cutting Edge
Saturday & Sunday 10am-1pm EST
Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/turalyon/Duplicity

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We’re all strange.