Turalyon took my job

The Warcraft wiki says he’s the new Highlord of the silver hand. Is this a thing?


I think they just assume that due to him commanding Silver Hand troops in the Warfront. If you’re a Horde pally, yoy certainly lost your job, since the org seems to have gone Alliance.

Pretty interesting how Druid get called the Archdruid after Legion, Death Knights get called the Deathlord, and Warriors get called the Battlelord (in 10.1), but other classes get left out.


I’m guessing because it’s a heavily faction based order?


I think you are a Highlord not the Highlord and the Highlord of the Silver Hand that’s above you, my paladin, and all paladins within the Silver Hand is Turalyon personally selected and trained as the OG paladin of paladins. Turalyon outranks all paladins by virtue of his origins, his role as supreme commander of the Alliance, a lord of Lordaeron, leader of the Alliance and current regent of Stormwind.


So were almost all the Orders. They’re mostly heavily-Alliance based.

Warrior: neutral, but Vrykul are Alliance-leaning

Rogue: neutral, but quite a bit of humans.

Hunter: Pretty Nelfy


Mage: Alliance

Warlock: Could’ve used more Horde characters

Priest and Paladin: Both Alliance

Druid: Pretty Nelfy too.

Shaman: Horde, but Nobundo is featured way too much.

DK: So many humans. That’s always been a problem with the Ebon Blade.

DH: neutral, but Illidan was a nelf. :stuck_out_tongue:

Monk: neutral


My panda rogue forgot she was on the red team while she was hanging out in the sewers of a human city, with a council that was mostly human, aside from the other panda at the table and the elf that serves House Wrynn. I think it’s generous to call this one neutral just because Lillian Voss shows up way later (she wasn’t even part of the Horde yet). The quest was saving Stormwind.

But I am happy to lose all the titles that came with the order halls. I never wanted them.


Why did you mention druid twice?

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ArchDruids are a dime a dozen. The Alliance had one in Alterac Valley, (she gets killed in War of Thorns after bringing Ivus to the party) there was another that popped up in Wrath.

We literally already have a what-faction-were-the-orders-rooted-in thread on the front page already, there’s no need to turn this into another one.

As for losing your job… were you doing your job? Does the Order of the Silver Hand have pressing business on the Dragon Isles? Have you been returning on a regular basis to diligently dispatch troops via the table?

Seems like you abandoned the post tbh


Presumably, with the beginning of the Fourth War, in the Battle of Azeroth, the Silver Hand returned to with the Alliance.

The player was elevated to the rank of Highlord of the Silver Hand, but wasn’t necessarily the only one. Between Tirion Fordring, Bolvar Fordragon and Leoric Von Zeldig, WotLK had three Silver Hand Highlords all serving in the Northrend theater, so it’s already been established that it isn’t a singular title only held at any one time by a single paladin of the Silver Hand.


So did everyone else in the Class Order Halls in general became Leaders while us the players are just regular joes again.

Lets be real here:

Most of the order-halls were heavily Alliance themed in the first place. :person_shrugging:
:joy: Gotta be pretty biased, foolish or delusional to think they aren’t.

“Oh whaaat!? The super Alliance-themed orderhalls have sided more to the Alliance?? … :eyes: Shocker!”


I don’t understand why you posted that.

Elerethe Renferal, the Archdruid in the Alterac valley Battleground died in the Shattering Novel. She later appears in the Emerald Nightmare raid as a raid boss. Where she attacks a nightmare version of Thunder Bluff as she believed Hamuul Runetotem was involved in the ambush that led to her death. Both of which happen before the War of Thorns.


I think some of those orders like the Hunter one, and the UnCrowned, are pretty much defunct, having come together. only to combat the Legion. Rexxar left the Order to fight the Alliance in BFA and. I think. Tess stopped hanging around in Dalaran to return to take leadership of the Gilnean. remnant.

To. point out that as the Druid champion you were far from being the only ArchDruid active at the time.

Which is totally irrelevant.

And thats why having your character be the leader of a lore heavy faction should have never been done.

Even more because you dont actually lead anything in legion either, you’re just following orders.


You do dispatch people on missions.

In Warlords of Draenor, you could actually see them march out of your Garrison.