Turalyon took my job

Of the original five, he is the only one still alive. Uther the Lightbringer was slain in the Third War along with Gavinrad the Dire, Dathroan was killed by Balnazzar, and Fordring died in Legion.

It is only natural that Turalyon, last survivor of the first generation of Paladins, returns as Highlord of the order.

Maybe it would have been better if we were like the “primary champion” (like shepherd in mass effect) and faction leaders still kept their presence?

For example instead of “High lord of the silver hand” the Paladin player became like “Knight Vigilant” of the silver hand or something


Just a high ranking officer where the role is clearly important but still sgared with others would be okay for me.

He terk your jerb?

The whole main character aspect of Legion and the order halls was the absolute worst part of it, utterly idiotic writing.


uh, excuse u, i as NETHERLORD OF THE BLACK HARVEST got to… pick which one of two cardboard cutouts would get to stand in the special circle by the end of the campaign, which had huge and lasting consequences for the future of the order, forever and ever and ever amen

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Personally I think some wiki editor jumped the gun in this presumption the Silver Hand purged all its Horde members, joined the Alliance, and installed Turalyon as Highlord. That’s a lot to infer from the troop composition of the Liadrin vs Turalyon matchup at Stromgarde.

In DF, Travard alludes to correspondence with “what is left” of the order, and receives a recommendation of cross-faction recruits; Vindicator Boros waxes lyrical of the “unbreakable bonds” the Legion-era Silver Hand created between the paladins of Azeroth; and Liadrin expresses a vague hope that the Tyr’s Guard will succeed where the Silver Hand failed. Only the last bit indicates some racial/political splintering, and even that could just be talking about, you know, the order’s duty to Tyr.

Still, as with other instances of wiki guesswork, it might find its way into the canon unless citations are requested. I certainly don’t care to request them; let the Alliance’s humans and dwarves have the Silver Hand. The Blood Knights, Sunwalkers, and Hand of Argus lost more than they gained in Legion’s homogenization of the other paladin orders.


It is mad how little RPG stuff WOW actually has really. There isn’t any choices you can make you simply follow the pre decendent questline.

And are then informed of how evil you are for doing so…

Precisely we aren’t the leaders of anything in Legion we are just the most powerful enforcer they could find who was willing to do grunt work.


There were worse parts imo coughIllidanfanficcough, but you’re not wrong about that having issues.

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Remember about what I once said about the game having multiple parralell canons?

You being the Head of the Silver Hand is no more canon that MY Paladin having that same role. Your job only existed in your personal canon.

Unless you ride to work every day in a space ship powered by faith, you’re less qualified for the job than Turalyon.

Well if you were Horde then it was always a going to be a temporary gig. The Silver Hand started as a strictly Human organization, then became a strictly Alliance organization until Legion where they called out to the other Paladin orders to rally under their banner.
When the Legion was defeated all the other orders just went home.

It makes since that Turalyon would take over control of the order since he’s the only still-living member of the original five knights ordained by Alonsus Faol.

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