Turalyon: Oh look another one of your Horde Savages

Don’t hate the player, hate the game. I’m surprised you even heard what I said with such cartoonishly tiny ears.


Hmmmmm… so WoW: Midnight likely release is looking at least around Feb or later 2026… Gremlins 3 in production for years but put off until 2026… Coincidence? You be the judge… :eyes: :eyes:

Edit: Oh man what if Goblins are what happens if you feed a Vulpera after midnight? :joy:

I remember Rosenivy comically blew him a kiss in my head after that lol

Garithos of the Alliance of Lordaeron. Don’t forget that last part. “of Lordaeron” you know, the Forsaken.

Pot meet kettle.

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It was clearly a small incursion any competent human commander could of handled with ease. Those men where needed in the true fight to retake Lordaeron

I mean… gestures to all of MoP Garrosh, BFA/Cata Sylvanas, etc

Shows you a rather impressively constructed house made of flesh and bones ala Gnoll masonry

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No, not just him. He might have sentenced the belfs to extinction, but the ones who jailed them in preparation for their execution were the Dalaran people.

What? FOH. Kael and his set had zero ZERO connection to the Forsaken at this point. The Forsaken didn’t even have a name yet.

Slyvanas and her Forsaken killed Garithos AFTER Kael and his crew had already fled to Outland. You know, because Garithos of The Alliance of Lordaeron wanted to execute him, for not dying to the Scourge like Garithos had intended.

And Garithos being of Lordaeron has precisely what to do with Kael? Is that meant to be justification to treat the elves like trash?

Like seriously, what in tf were you even on about right here?

Looks at Garithos’ corpse

Guess you guys were lacking a bit there.

Well, it’d be like blaming the current Horde for literally any atrocity the Iron Horde of Draenor did prior to the Dark Portal.

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Exactly!! Soon as I saw Garrosh and Slyvanas getting out of pocket, I was done with em.

Another can of worms, but also irrelevant, since the High Elves were against that Horde. So even in that- completely unjustified behavior towards the Elves.

Garithos is a mindless xenophobe, with zero logic and reasoning.

That’s why he got got by a Dreadlord and ate up by level 12 ghouls.

You were the one that brought up Garithos, quite correctly actually.

LOL, Garithos was from the Alliance of Lordaeron. They are the ones, as you said, that treated the elves so badly. Later Arthas attacked Lordaeron and turned them all into undead and used them to attack Silvermoon. There he turned Sylvanas into a banshee. Sylvanas later broke free of his control and freed a bunch of undead along with her. These undead became the Forsaken and joined the Horde.

So all these humans you said are “mistreatin’ allies” are right there in the Horde allies to the BE’s.

The Alliance we see in WoW is the Alliance of Stormwind. They had nothing to do with any of that.

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I kind of assumed the horde was embracing being traitorous cowards. Remember when they let the legion invade because it was scary to hold the high ground?

Scream honor till your forced to fight with only 2 to 1 odds in your favor.

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You still not making any sense, because you’re looking at this through the eyes of the meta. Also, Garithos of Lordaeron is just Garithos of Lordaeron.

Unless you wanna imply he truly represents the views and opinions of the Alliance as a whole, you may want to back up off that little cliff. Kael wasn’t a boy scout by any measure, but in the scenario your logic is headed, he had EVERY RIGHT to tell the Alliance to go to hell and die.

On track, neither Kael’thas nor Garithos were omniscient. So all of that is completely irrelevant to those two, in their there and then.

And irrelevant still, because you seem to have got the sequence out of order. Arthas and the Scourge washed Quel’Thalas BEFORE Slyvanas and Garithos; BEFORE Kael and Garithos. This entire alliance is BASED off of Arthas wiping Quel’Thalas and Silvermoon out.

So the Forsaken of The Horde don’t exist yet at the point I’m talking about.

No, its more that the quest writers and the narrative writers are never on the same page. Never forget Silverpine, where the Horde decimates the Kirin Tor solely because, “the quest writer forgot they were neutral.”

My guess is, whoever wrote Turalyon’s line either doesn’t like him, or misses the faction antagonism, because that line isn’t in line with his characterization in out of game source materials.

The order wasn’t the point. You said in response to Primalmatter that Kael and the BE’s did what they did because of “Garithos of the Alliance”. And yes, they did. The humans of that Alliance are now in the Horde and allies to the BE’s.

Your implication was to try and paint the Alliance in WoW as “xenophobic knobs” when they had nothing to do with it.,

Ah, fair point. I’m tracking now. No, my implication isn’t to paint “The Alliance” as xenophobic knobs. My point, is that Kael’thas’ only liason to the Alliance at this point, IS a xenophobic knob.

And Kael’thas is literally facing execution from said xenophobic knob, so he didn’t really have time to let things play out and hope for best.

Right or wrong in his assumption, he played the hand he was dealt.

And remember, Kael’thas is not, nor has he ever been Horde.

The Elves that joined the Horde, left Kael (warning convoluted mess of a storyline incoming) when he joined Legion but not really Legion lacky bad guy but not really a bad guy Illidan.

And they joined because the person that first welcomed them with open arms, is the same person that had that xenophobic knob ate by trash mobs.

Oh we’re bringing up Garithos again?

A point that never gets touched on that I personally find fascinating, is that we KNOW Garithos was manipulated by Dreadlords. We just don’t know WHEN that started. Would a Dreadlord use a human’s innate prejudice and xenophobia to drive a wedge between two forces seeking to join together that WOULD have the power to bring stability to a region the Dreadlords want to keep in a state of flux?

Yes, yes they would.

Even more interesting is the fact that once Garithos is freed of the influence of the Dreadlords, he allies with an undead elf. They make an agreement and, surprise surprise, he intends to honor it at the end. It’s almost as if Garithos, despite his glaring faults, when under his own power, would act in the interests of his kingdom/people, rather than lead by his own selfish desires.

There’s no hard lore to support or disprove the theory that his actions towards the Blood Elves were part of the Dreadlord’s schemes, and even if they were, it doesn’t change anything that happened. Only from a meta perspective, where we discuss the lore, does it really have any bearing.

In other words, its interesting food for thought.

That having been said, the Blood Elves never even mention Garithos as a reason for hating the Alliance. He rarely gets brought up in WoW at all. I have a feeling if some Dreadlord were to have a gloating monologue all about how easy it was to turn Kael’thas and the Blood Elves against the Alliance, prevent a powerful alliance from forming, and dooming Quel’Thalas to the losing side of two consecutive global wars, that Lor’themar and co would shrug and reply, “Yeah, that’s nice and all, but he wasn’t really the reason we joined the Horde.”

Should really play through Garithos campaign in wc3.

Shows what could of been with a real hero of the alliance leading the campaign

Agreed, with all that.

And I was just pointing out the human kingdom that was the cause of those elves ills are in the Horde along with them.

I think we are agreed on the important points, I was just clarifying it wasn’t The Alliance as most people are going to recognize it if they don’t know the story of WC3. Which I assume most WoW players today don’t.

Hmmm… thinks about something for a moment “I’mma try somethin…”

Focuses really hard and strains a bit before popping into the form of a Dreadlord/Nathrezim

“Yay I’mma Dreadlord now! Also…ewwwww I’mma Dreadlord now.”

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