Turalyon: Oh look another one of your Horde Savages

Dreadlords fixing plot holes and white washing the horde for 30 years.

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We are in accord. That’s all spot on accurate. And as Solarion said, that’s really non sequitor, as they didn’t join the Horde because of Garithos.

Just needed to be said, that we not finna be on here trashin’ the elves and calling them “traitors” for THAT one.

Gotta look out for your people better, Alliance. :smirk:

… oh wait…

So Slyvanas really did do nothing wrong… :thinking:

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Hard to throw around the S word when most of The Horde is either some kind of hyper-civilized wine slipping elf or some manner of racoon person riding around in an adorable little alpaca-drawn peddlers wagon.

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It’s kinda sad that the Alliance is somewhat consistent but boy scout boring and pacifistic…
while the Horde is more interesting but so inconsistent in actual characterization and narrative as to be incoherent.

“Blood and Honor!” throws an axe at Malfurion’s back when he’s off guard

“We’re just misunderstood misfits who are just trying to survive in a world that hates us!”

Trolls who have a history of attempted genocidal cannibalism and starting every single war that wasn’t Legion centric since Azeroth’s ordering, Forsaken who conduct Geneva convention violations, Orcs, Goblins who commit eco terrorism, Elves in general Horde side… they tend to be either cowards or ego-maniacal traitors who’d do anything for even small bits of power, etc…

Need a third faction that’s just the 100 something nearly neutral factions that’ve never aided the Horde V Alliance war and that just like deals with cosmic threats so the Horde and Alliance can just murder each other continually without it being a PC issue.

This was the biggest issue with the War of Thorns storyline, did they REALLY think anybody Cenarian Circle affiliated (most player Druids and Taurens), Earthen Ring (many of the PC Orcs/Trolls), etc etc would seriously want to burn down Teldrassil?

We were NEUTRAL all throughout Legion and even elected head of a neutral organization midway through the prior expansion, as Huntmaster of Trueshot lodge and the Unseen Path… why should I care if the Horde and Alliance wants to end each other? let them.

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She should of stayed a optional quest. The power of T&A was to much though…and evil was allowed to persist.

You think its over? That self insert writer for the edgy dark ranger will redeem her.


You’re gonna give them ideas!!



Well, we can’t fix them… so let’s make them worse

Its in the works… you think they are ever gonna move on from the windrunners?

They gave sylvanas, arthas’s story in sl to give her a redemption arc. Sylvanas never did anything for anyone not named slyvannas but they went in about her sacrifices leading her to darkness aka arthas…

Gonna have the windrunners till the sun burns out.


I got this… takes a hunky Male Human Paladin with a Nathanos mask on and throws them off of Northrend Dalaran onto some Saronite spikes and watches as all three Windrunners follow to their doom “Problem solved.”

Discrimination is never reasonable.

That doesn’t work… they had her unalive herself after icc didn’t stick. Old god ritual unaliving yourself isnt enough

Pssst, hey…hey Broly… how’s that Kakarot?

Awwww, I love you too. I just want you to sign this contract in blood… trust me, there is zero chance this ends horribly for everyone…

I disagree… nightfae are not good people

:rage: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: :rage:

:rage: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: :rage:

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If only… im just glad every lore character I liked is now ultra dead. It was hard seeing kel’thuzard in sl… the careful schemer turned into… that.

Just sleep now, with the rest.

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I mugged him continuously for a sword that wasn’t even his XD…

Ya, my buddy who was in the Navy had me on the floor with the stuff he told me, and that was when I was all uptight.

that and like Turalyon probably doesn’t see you as the person who helped him in this particular case since you’ve got Alliance viscera and blood and bone fragments and checher on your weapon He just sees you as a threat and someone who killed his allies, past be over the shoulder. His knee-jerk reaction isn’t nice, though I won’t fault him for it given the circumstances~…