Turalyon: Oh look another one of your Horde Savages

The best part of that entire deal for me, is the Earthen standing between them getting progressively more annoyed every time one of them says something.


Then the world ends and game over. One timeline already shown that if we go to war again, Azeroth ends.

That is funny. Like the horde and alliance act like a bunch of children


To hell with Azeroth.

Place stinks anyway.

Now you’re talking. Join us goblins. We are looking to colonize another planet.

cleans a slain stag with arrows jutting out of it while wearing a skull on my head, and tosses a large cut of meat to a immense wolf nearby

Pffft. You ain’t no savage, pretty boy :slight_smile:


One of the biggest gaping plot holes of Legion was, as a Horde player, the whole “we, the Horde players, recover the Army of Light’s spaceship for them… and then just hand it over to the Alliance?!?

Those are Gremlins they’re completely different:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Yes. slowly peels off face to reveal he’s secretly a robot like the rest of SL

This just show how awful Legion lore and characters actually are, because this is the true Turalyon.

Factions and characters who belong to then are suppose to be enemies like this, no more peacecraft and hugging, quests together and you having to answer to the enemey faction leaders

I feel like you didn’t do the Argus quests, because the Lightforged’s ship crashed and didn’t get back up.

You’re right! We grabbed the wind chime from it that Illidan ruined.

You know, I’m going to choose to view this as you being positive. I have to imagine this is something you want.

Savage adjacent by association. Sorry.

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If Garithos had lived to see the Alliance rebuilt he would have been executed for treason because of how he treated the elves.

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You mean those traitorous elves who disobeyed direct orders allied with followers of the old gods then joined the horde?

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Yeah, directly as a result of Garithos of the Alliance being a xenophobic knob at em, and treating them a step above slaves and cannon fodder.

Who woulda thought mistreatin’ allies might suddenly make them not be your allies anymore? What a mystery!!

You seem to have conveniently forgotten that the catalyst to all this was Garithos deliberately sending Kael’thas and his contingent into a suicide mission against the Scourge; then condemning him to die, all because the Naga saved him.

Surprise surprise, Kil’jaedan’s kin is a propaganda puppet.

We see you, Dreadlording it up in here.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


ewww, the green creature speaks!!

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Come back to me when you made a building out of something other than rocks and sticks.

at least I don’t need to sniff Felrock to make things…

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