Turalyon is such a crazy warmonger

Somehow, you managed to make the idea less believable.
“When he said Horde, he really meant Sylvanas, because Sylvanas IS the Horde because she is Warchief.” Is a lot more circular logic than “When he said Horde, he meant the Horde, because he hates the Horde because of his history with The Horde”

Also, you can use “Explanation” “Assertion” “Oobjection” and the list goes on.
There are so many ways to describe what purpose you’re going for that “Commentary” being repeated just becomes redundant

My crazy idea has been if there is a time jump while we are in the SL we come back to find Tyrande consumed by the night warrior and at the helm of a new night elf empire with all other nations crushed or at war.

Too bad Tyrande comes to the Shadowlands with us.

Boo, been trying to go into the expac as blind as I can be so didn’t know.

(Observation): The Warchief is the Horde, this has always been the case. The Blood Oath of the Horde makes it clear. “I am an instrument of my Warchief’s Desire.”


(Commentary): To put it simply, if Turalyon had been around when Thrall formed the New Horde, I don’t think he’d have hated it. There’s just this weird assertion going around that he’s some warmongering light zealot when that hasn’t been shown to be the case. He’s remarkably open-minded and tolerant of others. He himself has said he has no interest in starting a war with the Horde, but he will protect the Alliance. Another poster summarized things pretty well.



Absolutely love it. Finally we’ll get an Alliance leader as a raid boss.

I don’t like Turalyon, i miss Tirion :cry:

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Turalyon and his lightforged goats can bring it on, the Dragonmaw and their drakes stand ready to turn their golden armor into furnaces.

I love the taste of roasted Draenei.

Ok Night ElF!

As cringe as this poster is I have to agree. One comment doesn’t outright mean he is a warmonger.

I want to be mad at you, but ugh.

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Well, regardless, I think some Alliance Leaders will be hit with the villain bat and Horde Leaders will be hit with the stupidity bat every time they fight the Alliance.

Especially since it appears she’s backed up by AU Xe’ra.

One of the devs confirmed in an interview that the Light realm transcends timelines like the Shadowlands and Nether, so it’s the same Xe’ra. I imagine she’s less than happy with us.

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Oh man, that is even better! She’s back, and this time she’s out for BLOOD!

Lorthemar: So, in this war, you bombed the Barrens, drained the Sunwell to summon Tempest Keep (Like your cousins over in the Legion), and the Scar in Silvermoon was hit with so much Holy magic it’s now golden but no less deadly. And then there’s Tyrande’s “trespassing laws.” But in the name of peace: bygones?
Anduin: That sounds fair.
The horde and alliance then sign a peace treaty and shake hands.

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He’s a crappy warmonger… always picking fights he can’t win.

Yrel x Turalyon. Alleria needs to find herself a real blonde, light Manduin.

They fought in the Second War, in which both of their homes were wiped out. They have entire skeletons to pick with the Horde.

I’ll be happy if Blizzard just remembers that it exists.

Like, the entire storyline with the Draenei putting together the Vindicaar and sacrificing parts of the Exodar to get it working I’m just like… y’all know there’s a whole space station just chilling in Outland, right?

I mean… Is Anduin into gilfs?